5 | Mother And Daughter

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She fished out a round glass spherical bottle sealed with a cork and brimming with water. She pulled out the cork from her teeth and swigged it in two gulps.

Clarke took long steps hurriedly to the gate whilst fortuitously shoving past her and, as if she was aware of his move, Priscilla nudged back with the same force.

He twirled, astonishment contorting through his face as he stared directly into her eyes, causing her to freeze. Shock seeped into her features at her own unexpected yet intended action before she muttered a string of apologies.

Priscilla hated to lash out her angry on someone else, but neither way she could let it out on the person who had caused it. She despised the way her mom was still avoiding her. Priscilla knows she had galled Marilyn, but she wasn't meddling with something that wasn't her concern. She was her daughter. Hence, there was no need to make a fuss over it.

Viola jogged up to her, slinging a hand over her shoulder. "Hey, listen here. I have some good news. One's a surprise for you and the other is a secret." She briskly rubbed her hands, wiggling her brows playfully. "Now tell me what you want to hear first?"

"Look, don't beat the bush around. Just get to the point, okay?" She said, curtly.

Viola furrowed at her tone, pulling back to look at her before continuing further. "The surprise is that an author named Terry had written the queen of witchcraft book." Priscilla's lips stretched. "The secret is that he's the one Gem is engaged to."

Priscilla's eyes widened for a fraction, then softened at her back as Viola strode ahead.

"Hey, wait!" Priscilla accelerated her pace and grasped her forearm. "Look, I'm sorry. I was just a little tense. I didn't mean to talk to you like that."

Viola prodded Priscilla in her ribcage, causing her to wince and rub the area, and she smiled in satisfaction. "Now I forgive you."

"So, what is the age of Terry? The name's quite fancy." Priscilla swallowed and hissed, clenching her fist.

"Yep, he looks young too, like thirty years old maybe."

"Wait!" Priscilla halted and turned to face Viola. "Terry had written The queen Of Witchcraft but, isn't that story six hundred years old?" Priscilla exclaimed. "He can't be born at that time. Then how does he know about it?"

"My dear," Viola sighed softly, pulling her forward to walk. "Stories are fictional and he might've written that to show off or something."

"Anyway," Viola spoke after a moment of silence. "What are you planning to do?"

Priscilla pursed her lips and thought for a moment as she heard the bustle of the place from afar. "I'm planning to take a look at the outskirts," She shrugged. "And maybe start teaching there."

"Nice," Viola chuckled humorlessly, and Priscilla arched a brow. "It's that sometimes I envy you, like I had taunted you for not being aware of what you wanted to be."

"And I'm the one, jobless." She inhaled and took long steps towards the eatery, eager to sit. "Now I know how it feels like being useless, and I just hope you get to do what you've planned."

"Young lady," Viola furrowed and looked over her shoulder at Priscilla. "Why do you need trials at workplace when you've a designer at home?"

Priscilla wiggled her brows playfully and Viola jiggled her head, dropping her bag upon the table whilst Priscilla pulled a chair and flumped down. She flicked her fingers, and a waiter came to their service. He took their orders and walked back, informing Gem about their presence.

"Hello, young ladies!" Gem joined them, taking an extra chair and settled herself.

"Hello to you too," Priscilla smiled, then pointed a finger at her. "And I'm using the free food offer."

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