25 | Signs

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Hudson's chamber was closed as he entered, changing into his usual khaki pant and white shirt. He liked those clothes and he loved himself in them. He did not have assistants, unlike Priscilla. He despised sharing his privacy with anyone as he plotted wicked plans, and a space into his chamber meant a glimpse of his head.

He also spoke less for the same reason, talking constant causes one to say things they regret later and neither he had an interest in talking to anyone other than his parents.

Hudson opened his curtains to see what Priscilla was doing. The lady had pulled her knees up with her head buried in them as she wept.

She had killed two people, and she didn't shed a tear, but what had happened in her house that she had become a flowing river?

He wasn't feeling sympathy, as she deserved whatever she faced today, but he was curious and maybe she would speak a word or reveal anything.

"Why Katherine, why you had to reincarnate as me?" Hudson loosened his grip around the rail and supported his elbows on them instead.

He stared at the sight with a disinterested look in his eyes when the next words she spoke caused the wonted dignified look on his face. "Had I been in my proper senses, I wouldn't have killed Terry."

Has she lost her sanity? What does she mean by proper senses?

Priscilla wrapped her arms around her knees as she hugged herself tighter. "If only I hadn't accepted you in my body, I wouldn't be here now."

Hudson pushed his inner cheek with his tongue as he mumbled to himself. "There is something I don't know, and maybe anybody does." He tucked his hands in the pant's pocket, walking away from the rail just a little, he asked. "Why are you crying?"

Priscilla held in her sob, silencing the hiccup as she wiped her face whilst keeping her head down, then slowly lifted it. She leapt to her feet and seized the curtains, prepared to shut them when the prince would be done talking. "What, Hudson?"

"I never allowed you to address me with my name?" Hudson wanted to chuckle. He really wanted to, as he was amused by the way his name slipped off her tongue. It seemed as if Priscilla was tired of his tactics when it should be him.

She was the one who killed his grandfather, though he was on the verge of dying, but still, he could've lived a few more years if she hadn't done the deed.

"We are on the same rank of respect now and neither anyone is listening. I'm allowed to call you that." Priscilla pushed back her hair, throwing the diamond studded hair clip away and exhaled as she slouched.

"You and I, we both know that I know you are Katherine Anderson and the deeds you did." Hudson sauntered forward till the balcony rails pressed against him. Priscilla's eyes lashes lifted. She desperately wished to avoid his gaze, but she had heard enough. "Yes, I am, so?"

Hudson would've folded his hands, but that was just not in his demeanor. But he narrowed his eyes slightly. "Which reincarnation accepts themselves into their own body and talks to themselves?"

Priscilla gasped, knowing that he had heard her. "You were eavesdropping?" Hudson obliterated the expression he wore from his face. "Certainly I was. It is essential to know why my spouse is crying. And it is my palace. You are a member and I'm the possessor. I can do anything."

She sealed her lips. She could retort, but bickering with a prince is absolutely foolish. "Let me predict. You only know certain moments from Katherine's past life, not everything like her parents and brother?"

Hudson sighed when he didn't receive an answer, going back as he began to close the curtains. This was the most he had ever talked to anyone. "Stop thinking and go to sleep, Priscilla."

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