27 | The Power She Holds

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When Katherine began to wreak havoc at the wedding of Bernard, the special guest, King Christopher Smith, stepped in and handled the matter. "Katherine, dear." Christopher spoke, placing a hand over her shoulder as guards ushered her to a corner and away from the wedding place. "Let the General marry Marilyn but I promise, I will be the one marrying you."

Katherine enlarged her eyes, open parting as she whispered. "Your Majesty, you will marry me?" The King already had a wife and a son.

Christopher smiled and nodded. "Of course, and don't you know, kings are allowed to have many wives? You can be one of them."

Katherine wiped her tears, and Christopher gently pushed her out of the wedding venue. "Leave now and I'll prepare for our wedding." Katherine nodded and left.

It had been a week, but Christopher didn't contact Katherine yet. She waited as he was a king and he must have many workload and responsibilities. The person who Bernard had hired for their wedding preparations knocked at Katherine's door.

"Yes, sir?" Katherine bowed to him but the man sternly spoke."I have planned and did all the preparations for your wedding. Still, I failed to receive my payment, Ms. Anderson."

Katherine held her breath, running a hand through her hair as she thought how she would may him when she descried the engagement ring Bernard had given her. "Here." Katherine pulled the ring from her finger and shoved it in his hands. "Take this."

She sighed when the man left. Almost a month had passed when poverty drowned her family. Katherine had even left her job of cooking and selling flowers and it landed them in a deep mess. When she attempted to converse or meet Christopher, the guard threw her out.

Katherine then decided what she would do and so, she travelled to another kingdom where she learnt witchcraft. And in exchange, they asked her to do huge heists or something else but dangerous tasks.

When she was fully trained, Katherine worked for her own people. She would help people's wishes come true and ask for money in return. As her life began to stable again, Mason, her and Marilyn's friend, noticed this and questioned.

"I also wish to earn but we are poor ones, we don't even get jobs." Mason spoke as Katherine apprised him everything.

They were in the small garden of her house and she told him to wait. Katherine sprinted to her room and returned with her hands fisted around something. Mason stood and stared at her in perplexity. Katherine plunged the money in her hands into Mason's arms. "Keep it for now till you learn witchcraft."

Mason's eyes softened, and he embraced her. Marilyn had broken their friendship, but Katherine stayed with him through every phase of life. Soon, when Mason learnt witchcraft, the duo began to earn money together.

A month later, Katherine halted before the palace's gates and attempted to go inside and when the guards began to push her away, she threatened that she was a witch and would do anything if they don't allow her to go inside. The threatening message was passed to Christopher through a guard whilst Katherine waited outside.

Christopher allowed Katherine to come inside and pretended to organise their wedding when she saw him. He engaged her in a palaver and then two guards suddenly held her forearms, dragging her to the dungeons.

Katherine glimpsed at Christopher weeping as she begged him to let her go. She had a family. Moreover, she was livid at the betrayal. Katherine clenched her fist and chanted a spell when she was about to blow it on Christopher. A hand slammed over her mouth.

Katherine looked at the person who dared to shut her when Mason lowered his eyes. Mason chanted a spell and hurled a potion across Katherine's face as she struggle. It caused her to faint, and Mason whispered. "I apologise, Katherine, but I couldn't keep doing witchcraft. I want to earn big and live nice."

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