28 | Nervous

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The barely visible and fading stars swept off the canvas as clouds maneuvered, dragging the sun's hues and stroked it across the sky. Hudson stared at Priscilla. Still in his robe, she had slept with the curtains open. He was a royalty, yet just a prince and an elder of all needed to be aware of their sufferings and situation.

Hudson shut the curtains when the handmaids started to rush into the Princess's chamber.

When Priscilla's blanket was hauled, she opened her eyes, staring directly at the bed of Hudson being organised by servants. He again woke up with the sun. Priscilla chuckled. The prince indeed despised to talk at length. The answer Hudson gave to her question last night was lingering. She needed to meet Marilyn. She desired to meet her mother.

Brielle smiled, this was the first time she witnessed a grin on the Princess's face and Abigail nudged her as she descried her admiring the royalty. "Prepare the bath, go, hurry."

"Your Highness," The General bowed when Hudson stopped before his eyes and the Prince nodded. "What is it you wish for me to do?"

"Send someone to escort Ms. Gem Davis to me." The General lowered his head and nodded, though he was perplexed as to who the prince was talking about and Hudson observed it. He was aware of what to say to make him recall. "The lady who accused Her Highness of the author, Terry's murder. Bring her to the study hall."

Hudson skulked to the dining hall. He had ordered the General even before the breakfast so that Gem would reach by the time he will be done.

Hudson was tensed the entire breakfast, though his countenance lacked a display of emotions. He hadn't uttered a word to Priscilla, just glanced at her and wordlessly left.

He wished to wait for Andrew, but if the news the loyal servant brought was the opposite of his assumption, then he needed to plot. And he needed to involve someone beforehand.

Brielle and Abigail escorted Priscilla to her wherever she desired when the breakfast was finished. "Mother," Hudson held his mother's hand. Josephine began to turn her head in his direction when Hudson walked forward.

He would always hold her hands whenever he wanted something. "It is my request. Kindly accompany Priscilla for two hours, without a second more or less."

Josephine grinned sweetly. The woman was made of honey. "Your request is accepted. I will engage her in a lengthy talk about your childhood." Hudson embraced her, bowed, and left.

The Prince commanded a guard to inform Abigail that she was ordered to keep the Princess to the other side of the palace. Hudson almost repented for sending Andrew so far. He would always handle such trivial matters, and Hudson did not trust anyone else so much.

Hudson walked out, descending the stairs to find the elder of all. The King, William Smith. Andrew was taking too long to return, and he didn't have so much time. It was already very late.

The King was strolling in the corridor of the second floor. "Father," Hudson glimpsed at the royal mentor beside his father, who left the two for privacy and he took the place as the King nodded. "We need to talk." He paused, adding words that he deemed false as William ambled ahead to the study hall. They usually have any confidential conversation in the certain hall.

The King wouldn't engage in a conversation if he considered it a palaver. "About the killer of grandfather. I wish to advise you who it is."

The King and Prince settled on the black couch as he allowed every other royalty to leave. "Who killed father, my son?" William placed a hand over Hudson's shoulder and Hudson struggled to breathe as the tension hung in the air. He was prepared to reveal everything, prepared for the consequences and prepared to imperil Priscilla's life.

"The one who killed grandfather is the same person who killed the selected author Terry." Hudson breath lightly, leaning forward, he rested his elbows on his knees. "The one Priscilla was accused of killing."

William bobbed his head, humming. "We can show the culprit next time if anyone accuses her." It was a disbenefit of belonging to the palace, rumours chase the person till their last breath.

"That can't happen," Hudson composed himself, retrieving to his position. He was a prince, and he needed to face the truth as there would be many problems as such in his life. He couldn't go weak, he had to do justice and be righteous. "Because the person who killed Terry and grandfather is Katherine Anderson."

William stiffened and leapt to his feet, sauntering away as he closed his hands. "She killed herself years ago, my son. I hope you remember."

"No, Father, she has reincarnated." Hudson imitated his William's actions, but didn't clasp his hands. "Oh, I understand," He turned and mocked his young son, smiling. "Show me her reincarnated self, then?"

The Prince was either jesting or he was being childish as she couldn't be alive.

Hudson closed his eyes and exhaled through his mouth. "You see her every day, Father." Hudson's heart raced as he neared to the sentence that will change everything. "The accusations aren't false, they are true."

Hudson sternly stared at his father as William's brows came together. "Priscilla is the reincarnation of Katherine Anderson. Grandfather told me himself."

"You are being ludicrous. Father never met her."

"It is chaotic. Allow me to enlighten you." William nodded at the request and Hudson apprised him of the potions he made to obliterate Katherine's existence from other's mind, how he challenged Priscilla to visit the fifth floor and Christopher's promise. "I'm partly convinced, but what if Father was traumatized at that time?"

"Believe your son. She indeed killed Terry and I even-"

"Forgive me for the interruption, Your Majesty and Your Highness," A guard knocked at the door from outside. "But the lady has arrived."

"The proof has arrived." Hudson raked a hand through his hair as he sighed and looked over at William. "I allow her to come inside."

Gem bowed twice to the King and Prince, interlacing her fingers, she scratched her knuckles.

"Ms. Gem Davis," William raised his brows in recognition when Hudson addressed her. She was the one who accused his daughter-in-law. "Did Her Highness not confess her crime before you?" Gem's breath hitched, and she absentmindedly stared into Hudson's eyes.

"I'm aware of it." Hudson spoke to calm her nerves and Gem looked away, swallowing harshly. "But Your Majesty needs to know, kindly tell us." Priscilla was in a colossal trouble and she only wished they won't ask for her real identity. "It is true, Your Majesty." Gem stammered. "That is why I had sent the cops."

"We should kill her then?" Hudson motioned Gem to leave, and the lady scurried out. Priscilla built the mess herself and she should only suffer it. "No, we can't, because I have researched very much and the signs Priscilla showed aren't of reincarnation. A reincarnation never accepts themselves."

"What if she's lying?"

Andrew glanced at how Gem was running out of the palace as he sprinted to the study hall after a guard informed him that the Prince was there. "My Prince, Her Highness is not a reincarnation," Andrew propelled the door with full strength, uttering the words in mirth as he then descried William. "She's possessed."

He was supposed to be fanatical about uttering the truth in front of the King, but Hudson's face told him otherwise. "You are not elated." It was a statement, as Hudson's countenance remained blank. "No, because it means we can't kill Katherine."

William gazed at his son for explanation and Hudson walked back to the couch, occupying it. "She's a wandering soul." Hudson was speaking too much, and he was speaking to Priscilla as well as it was all because of her. "I should warn Her Majesty to stay away from her."

"She won't harm Mother. The only person she would harm is me, but Priscilla said she won't. Neither I wish to snatch the motherly care mom is giving."

Hudson soundlessly chuckled and spoke of his wife. "If it was so easy to kill Priscilla, she would be dead by now. Katherine or not, we can't kill Priscilla. That lady has the power to dig out one's heart."

As the situation was at bay, though for a very short time, Hudson only wished to give his spouse the elation of having the only person she wanted, her mother.

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