26 | Soulful Talk

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Silence fell heavily upon the royalties, but the questions on their faces spoke louder, yet they waited for the King's command. "Present the proofs." Hudson spoke, allowing the curiosity of people to fill with answers they desired.

Josephine stared at her son and Priscilla shut her eyes.

"Your Majesty and Your Highness," He referred to William and his son when Priscilla's notebook and the letter of Terry were given to a guard and he handed it to the royal mentor.

"Ms. Davis received this letter on her wedding day and when an unknown well-wisher told her of Her Highness being a suspect, she enquired. The notebook belongs to Her Highness and the handwriting in both of the objects presented is the same even when examined by experts."

Priscilla sat still as she watched her reputation shatter and the stains of allegations that are too true to deny splash across her. It was better to accept her crime than sit and stare at the mess she created untangled. It was better than to fight till the end and have people spit at her when the truth would come out.

"I-" Priscilla parted her lips to stamp the allegations as the truth when Hudson quickly placed a hand over hers and squeezed it to stay quiet. At least, if that was what it meant.

She peered at him, then at their hands. Priscilla's palms were clammy and Hudson's hands were calloused and hefty and it caused hers to sweat more under the pressure. If the situation was something else, she would've flinched, but on her other side was the throne of Josephine, whose eyes were roaming.

"I have a few questions and if the answers are given, I shall claim the allegations as the truth." Hudson spoke for her. He spoke yesterday as well and he has been speaking too much. "Yes, Your Highness."

"How long it has been since the author's death?" Hudson retrieved his hand and interlaced his fingers. "Your Highness, it has been eighteen days since Ms. Davis found Mr. Terry's dead body."

"How did Ms. Davis get Her Highness's notebook?" Hudson wished to smile and William literally did as his eyes were stuck on his heir. Hudson tackled matters effortlessly, unlike his own self in the youth phase.

The warmth dripped away from the back of Priscilla's hand and she dropped it in her lap, albeit it appeared like a timid posture. "Ms. Davis had visited Her Highness's house and Mrs. Anderson allowed her to pick anything which has Her Highness's handwriting, as they are very close friends."

"As you spoke, it has been eighteen days since the author died," Hudson reclined and the searing in his chest ceased. "But Ms. Davis wished to begin the investigation after Her Highness's marriage."

Priscilla puckered her brows, and Hudson's demeanor remained stern. "I ask what was it that she indulged in these eighteen days when she should've done it long ago."

The King William crossed his leg and leaned back in his throne and Hudson added. "They are best friend as said and seen, yet she chose to suspect and get her friend arrested knowing that the princess had never met the author, Terry."

Josephine smiled. The look on her dearest son's face indicated that he knew what he was doing. And when he knew something, one can't stop him winning either a debate, allegations or a war. "I presume it is envy that a friend so young in age than her is in the line of the throne. And I suspect that in these eighteen days, she must be learning Her Highness's way of writing."

The head of the cop's brows eased. He was somehow convinced with his prince. Of course, there had been many times when the royalties were targeted and especially, this time the princess is a commoner, Gem could actually be plotting and planning.

"If Her Highness was a killer, then the position of a queen is far. I would never marry her." Hudson stood and with him did the royalties. "Take Ms. Davis's statement again. If she's determined, bring her to the royal court tomorrow or this evening."

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