19 | Caught And Trapped

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Priscilla opened her shut eyes as the visions of Katherine's past life unfolded before her eyes. A pain clenched her heart as she felt the witch's buried, dusty emotions polish and the wounds of betrayal rip apart. She wailed in pain as she clutched the wounded area, blood oozing out onto her palm. Someone prodded at her shoulder and Priscilla froze.

Had the guards found me?

She swallowed and slightly turned her head, flinching as she twisted her ankle and fell back on the ground. "Harp-"

"Shush," Harper hastily stooped to her level and pressed a hand over Priscilla's mouth. "Calm down, it's me." She took a quick glimpse at her mess of a form and furrowed. "Why, why are you bleeding?" Priscilla moved her head from side to side and held Harper's forearm, gulping to moisten her parched throat. "No, you tell me why are you out at this hour of time?"

Harper pulled back her hair, raising the lamp in her hand so that the flaring flames would illuminate Priscilla's features. "We were informed of a heist that took place in the palace an hour ago or two. That is why we are awake from our slumber. We will be questioned, you see." Priscilla ran the back of her fingers across her moistened cheeks, wincing as she attempted to stand and Harper held her shoulders, helping her succeed.

"Come to our house, I'll aid you and there's still one hour before the investigation as they'll first question the rich ones." Priscilla nodded and smiled, grateful that Harper didn't drag the subject of her being wounded in the middle of the night.

When they reached her house painfully slow, Harper spread a fresh sheet across the mattress before Priscilla sat. She came from the kitchen with a bowl and soaked a flannel in the lukewarm water.

She was about to dab it on the wound when Priscilla held her wrist and jiggled her head, declining her help. "Where's aunt?" Harper let Priscilla take the flannel and chuckled at the question. "She's with our neighbour. Must be gossiping about the commotion."

Priscilla cleansed her wound and Harper wrapped a medical tape around her leg as she held onto Harper's hand and surged to her feet. "Thank you so much. You have been so nice to me." Harper smiled genuinely and allowed Priscilla to return as the investigation would've begun and she needed to be present.

Subsequently, Damarus had returned and exactly an hour later, a group of royal guards came at their doors, knocking furiously as Harper harshly rubbed the used flannel together to expunge the slight blood stain when Damarus opened the door.

A guard walked ahead in the house, scanning every corner as he checked under the bed and their wardrobe whilst the other guard spoke.

"Hello, I hope you have heard about the heist happened in the palace. That is why we're investigating, kindly let us." Harper sauntered out of the kitchen, quickly rubbing her hands on her frock when her eyes stuck to the guard who was occupied with scrutinizing their house, narrowed his eyes as he skimmed off a crimson and slightly thick liquid from the floor under the bed.

"Sir, I found blood in this house. I suggest we should take them to the palace." The guard who once spoke in nonchalance glowered and nodded at the thought. He motioned the guards to proceed.

Hudson shuttled across the red rug expanded over the floor. The sole of his boot caused a scratching noise in the almost hushed chamber when a guard timidly yet with a concealed haste pattered on the door.

"My Prince, I'm told to inform you that the thieves of been caught." The Prince flung opened the mahogany doors, brows puckering at the news as he sauntered to where the supposed thieves were held.

Katherine has been caught, how?

The General along with the guards presented stood up and bowed in respect to Hudson and he allowed them to return to their previous position with a nod of his head, face empty of any emotions as he settled himself on the second throne next to the King.

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