8 | Love And Bad Luck

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Gem stared towards the gates through the veil fallen in front of her face from top of her head, the mermaid silhouette wedding dress brushed against the floor and allowed the sun to engulf her in a shimmering glow as she stayed still on the seat, contrary to her mind.

She'd always wondered why do brides become a nervous mess on their wedding day and today she had the answer required to her questions. It was the fear of having to witness any bad occurrence.

A day before, Gem had dispensed her and Terry's wedding invitation card to everyone presented at The Royal Show. Subsequently, majority of the Kingdom appeared, causing a garden of flowers, gifts and cards to surround her, yet the groom's seat remained unoccupied.

Despite having not shared a word between each other, the duo conversed over letters with decorative words and sweetened promises adorning them.

She peered at the distressed form of her father, facilely beckoning a fellow to fetch her groom.

A shadow fell across her skin before two arms embraced her from behind, igniting a flare of hope within her heart before being blown off as a yell resonated. "Congratulations, my dearest friend!"

She inhaled the somber away and flashed a tight-lipped smile. "Hello, ladies." Viola stood opposite her and stooped on her knees, the weather an excuse to the heating cheeks of the bride. "Where's Mr. Terry?"

Gem separate her lips, letting the loathed words escape. "Late."

"But we are not." Marilyn sauntered in her direction with a white box laced with a black ribbon in her clutches. Priscilla trailed behind, easily keeping up with her mother's accelerating pace, hands holding two baskets.

She untied the ribbon and took out a silver chain with a heart pendant and wrapped it around Gem's sweating neck. But the bride's eyes searched for her love in the crowd and stuck at Clarke, who did come with a company but not the one of her soon-to-be husband.

"Good evening, my lady," The unknown man greeted solemnly and Clarke out a folded paper. "Mr. Terry has told me to give you this letter of his." She felt a pang of hurt, knowing he had yet again sent a letter that too on their wedding.

Viola strangely looked at the paper, then the man, and handed him a glass of water as she perceived his discreetly panting form.

Gem nodded, withdrawing the letter as she opened it from the creasing fold, causing him to take the water and chug it down in four gulps and retrieve it to the owner.

Good evening to the only beloved one of mine, today's our wedding and I'm sorry to say this but I really am not ready to marry you, considering if we do tie knots today then what will your surname be as I'm an orphan. I'm aware I've deeply caused you pain by not presenting myself at our wedding but I'm so, so sorry. Also I'm out of town for a few days so, don't visit me at my house and I want you to dig the backyard of your restaurant after two days as there's a surprise for you.

Your soon-to-be be groom, the one and only


Gem blinked and the blob of tears upon her eyelashes trickled down her trembling cheeks. She hiccuped as a silent sob escaped through her parted lips and she slapped her hand over her mouth.

How could he?

He could've asked her to cancel the wedding or inform her that he wasn't ready. How could he leave her alone at their wedding today without a trace.

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