7 | The Royal Show

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Priscilla rolled back on the bed, sinking her face into the pillow as she attempted to get the sun away from scorching her skin, though the rays weren't too harsh yet it was enough to keep her sweating.

It had been an hour past since the sunrise which meant it was six in the morning and today was the dense Royal Show, if it weren't for the decorations she volunteered to do under the pressure of Viola she wouldn't go there in the first place.

Marilyn had already left being the social butterfly she was, with somewhat an excitement to see what her daughter had done, not before informing her but did that kept her away from slyly opening the curtains, of course not.

"Priscy!" She shut her eyes, hissing at the loud noise coming outside of her house.

Why did I even became friends with her?

Priscilla donned an ivory short puffed peasant sleeve blouse with a silk orange gathered skirt and rounded off her look with her hair was made up in a fishtail. She dragged her feet across rug to the sweltering ground.

Priscilla faintly lifted her lips, respiring as mildly as her effort at waving. "Good morning." Contrary to concern, Viola scrunched her nose. "It would've been better if you didn't smile at all." She caught her wrist as they meandered through the crowd to reach the stall installed at a good distance of forty steps.

Viola whipped out her wallet and handed the required money to the person attending them, who in returned gave two glasses of milk with chunks of apple swimming over the surface and inside.

Priscilla slurped on the juice passed to her whilst she stole glances at her surroundings as a feeling of proud coursed through her yet what got the corner of her lips twitching was the sight of a young lady wandering around the place with her hair fallen on her shoulders.

Viola followed her gaze and saw her eyes stuck to a girl as she asked. "Who is she?"

Priscilla ignored her question and yelled, addressing the person to catch her attention, which she knew she wouldn't get. Harper's eyes quickly scanned over the crowd of people at the mention of her name, but the moment her eyes met with Priscilla's, she instantly made a face and spun, walking away like nothing happened.

Wow! A minute hadn't passed yet, and I had to run into her.

Viola tapped Priscilla's shoulder and pointed at somewhere as she twirled her head and her eyes widened at the sight of thousands of wooden chairs placed in an order and a huge stage, which had peach curtains tied to each side along with strings of lilac flowers winding over them with a white satin cloth spread across the floor sprawling with roses.

"Don't drool." Viola said to the gaping Priscilla and closed her mouth with her finger under her chin.

"How can I not? I'd never thought a simple sketch would come out so beautifully." Priscilla replied as she cautiously followed her at the thought of getting lost and they took the first seat from the left of the third row.

Soon every corners of the place was surrounded with guards with two of them occupying the ends of the stage before a tune of saxophone ripped through the air, breaking the silence after everyone had settled down.

The King, Queen and the Prince were surrounded by royal guards holding a wide black cloth to cover their appearance. People of Crisalyus stood up from their chairs and bowed respectively, when the King had stepped on the stage and the Queen and the Prince followed suit.

Hudson's hands were clasped behind his back with his chin held up and his lips stretched into a grin. He nodded at each person his eyes met with whilst he gazed over the commoners. This was his, and he'll gain it soon.

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