18 | Old Friend Now Foe

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Water droplets pelted against the freshly bloomed flower's petals as Katherine swung the pot around her mesmerizing garden. She lifted a wooden bucket from the ground and plucked out a duo of white roses and a red one from the tree and different combinations of other flowers.

Katherine chimed the ship bell as an indication to her family of her departure. A song lingered on the tip of her tongue, the words sung unknown and mostly incorrect.

Katherine sprinted out of the outskirts of Crisalyus, her lengthy black skirt flowing backwards as she flitted to the place where she dreamt of being.

She paused when in the marketplace and halted a duo of ladies. "Hello dear ma'am, I hope you remember the order you made of a rose flower bucket yesterday." One of the lady in a regular braid twirled but her gaze pinned behind Katherine and she swallowed.

The lady hurl her a forlorn look, fingers clasping around the wrist of her friend, she scurried off, whispering. "I don't want it."

Katherine's brows stitched then eased when a nasty laughter prickled her skin as she spun. A duo of men reclined against a sleek brown car. One of them, with a bruise below his lips, had his hand tucked into his pants pocket.

The bruise evocated her of the event and things she repented doing. If only Katherine hadn't hurled a stone across the man's face as he began to jibe her and ignored their daily routine of taunts, then maybe she wouldn't have to suffer their vengeance.

She stroked her forehead, jiggling her head as she ambled away from there. She would've to wait till they forget it all.

A hand slung around Katherine's shoulders contrary to an intruder, she stayed calm and breathing till her friend belonging to the rich ones which were seldom made spoke. "Good evening, Kath." The addressed person exhaled the built up somber. "Good evening, Mar."

Katherine erected her spine to dodge the dainty fist's soft punch thrown at her back as she chuckled. "How many times do I have to tell you that don't address me as such? Address me with my name, Marilyn."

She dropped her hands down. The flower bucket was being a hassle to hold, and Marilyn was quick to perceive that her flowers were not bought. "Fine, I abide by your order."

"Kath," Marilyn began, glossing her lips to lie without a flaw. "Actually, I joined you to buy these flowers. My mother told me she wanted some." The seller wasn't a naïve one. She was Katherine who wouldn't smile foolishly and buy a lie.

If Marilyn honestly desired those flowers, then she would first converse about it than to bicker about her name. "I apologise, my dear, but I was not selling these flowers."

Marilyn's lips curved down, and she folded her hands. They weren't occupied with books or a bag, as she wasn't a student. She had completed her studies which were not more than tenth standard, studies never intrigued her but the flow of fancy words did.

Moreover, she was of marriage age. "To be honest Mason's tricks are perfect for you as you don't take my polite help. Anyway, I will accompany you to your house."

Katherine's face remained gloomy and Marilyn snatched the bucket from her hand, appearing to hold it for her friend's comfort. She spun, her yelling gathered crowd around them as she smiled at her work. "Good evening everyone, would you like some fresh flowers for your spouses?"

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