17 | General's Daughter

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A dull white shirt hung loosely from Priscilla's shoulders and the hem of it was tucked inside her khaki pants with a small dagger hooked into the sash around her waist. The edge of the dagger shone sliver under the light produced by the moon, who was fighting with the clouds for its appearance to be seen.

Stupid of the moon to assume that those tiny foggy clouds could hide its presence when the moon was in the sight of everyone even after being so far from earth.

She could hear her heartbeat resonate through her entire body and the quietness presumed to be peaceful seemed the opposite to her, which enveloped the village. Cool breeze tickled the sides of her neck and a chill ran down her spine while the strands of her hair flew across her face, which didn't help her at all.

Priscilla's breath came out slightly foggy and she shut her eyes tightly in distress, brows coming together in fear. She scratched her nails deliberately and aimlessly, hoping to get a grip on something, anything, whilst her foothold and clammy palms threatened to slip on the brick wall.

She was about to pull her hand back and fall off the wall, but with a strong force sent by Katherine, she pulled herself up and quickly tossed her one leg over the wall and they dangled from both sides before she tossed the other one as well.

As much as the wide backyard of the palace and its lush green grass which was swaying softly with the wind urge her to jump on them and get crushed beneath her foot, Priscilla couldn't take a risk, at least not in such quietness where even a tick of a clock could be heard clearly.

So as steadily as she could, Priscilla climbed down the wall till her toes were touching the ground and then she pulled her hands off the wall and went walking ahead.

Take out the green potion.

Katherine ordered and Priscilla nodded in response, touching the back of her waist. She furrowed when her hand came in contact with her waist instead of her brown bucket bag. She moved her hand up and down her spine in hopes of finding it, but then her eyes shot up in the realisation that she had forgotten to bring her bag.

Priscilla bit her lip and slapped her forehead. The slight pain was nowhere near the height of frustration she felt. Moreover, she was scared for her life.

What if Katherine harms her in anger?

Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, my dear reincarnated self.

Priscilla gulped, ambling towards the main gate of the palace as she tugged out a drawstring bag from the pocket of her pants. She couldn't dare to don a skirt. She grabbed a fist full of the ground herb in the pouch and chanted.

Stop the chain of time and lure them out of reality and just make them lose their sanity.

Priscilla softly blew on the herb and sauntered towards the front of the gate where the royal guards were. She crept up from behind one of the guards and sprinkled the powder, and panic rushed through her veins when the other guard attempted to attack her.

But yet again, without giving her actions a second thought, she repeated the action, and the guard lost conscious, falling down on the ground along with the other one.

Priscilla took off one of the guard's armor and clad herself in it. She wore a silver helmet covering half of her face and pushed the door of the palace, peaking her head inside when another guard blocked her way. "What are you doing?" He asked coldly.

Priscilla held her breath, curling her toes in agitation. She yawned falsely and spoke so that her voice wouldn't be distinguishable. "I'm told by the Prince to roam around and keep checking. Kindly let me do my work."

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