23 | Confession

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A lady in clothes of a maid welcomed her, gesturing to a beaming black couch. The house was quietude, highlighting a different shade of the supposedly kind and helping man's personality. The maid returned with a glass of water and began to apprise the owner of a presence when Andrew trod with a royal guard on his side. "Inform My Prince that I-"

When Gem's and Andrew's eyes locked, she was desperate to answer any question that he would ask, but Andrew was already aware of everything.

Had Priscilla not been proved guilty, she wouldn't have come.

The Prince had spoken the truth. "Tell him that I have done that he had asked for." Andrew sat beside her at a good distance. "Your arrival indicates I was correct, Ms. Davis." Gem spoke, neglecting his remark. She couldn't keep it in anymore. "I need to meet Priscilla, Her Highness, as you say, Mr. White. I need to hear it from her." He reclined, crossing his leg. "If she wished, she could've confessed that long before. Why would she do it now?"

"That is to me, if she confesses or not. And she would. I know how to make her if she really killed Terry."

Andrew heaved a sigh and leapt to his feet. "Where do you want me to escort Her Highness?" Gem followed his actions. "Her house."


Abigail escorted Priscilla to the commoner's workplace as the Princess wished to meet her friend, Ms. Wilson.

"Pris-" Viola caught her tongue in between her teeth, rephrasing her sentence. "Your Highness, how are you?" It was a mere question, but held great worry and concern for a childhood friend. "I'm not fine." Priscilla spoke the truth when Abigail was at a distance and neither Viola was oblivious to what was manifest.

"I wish to talk to Her Highness in privacy, dear lady." Viola cocked her head, staring at Abigail as she smiled. Abigail glimpsed at her, then at Priscilla, nodding in agreement. "I'm Abigail, and yes, I will leave."

"Priscilla," Viola held her wrist, discreetly dragging her to a corner, though preying eyes watched their movement. "Why did you marry His Highness and is it related to when you forced me to help you meet him?" Priscilla glanced away in repentance, biting her inner cheek as she inclined her head. "I can't take the name, but she told me."

Viola slapped her forehead, groaning. "You and your reincarnation crap."

Andrew rushed out of his car, slithering past the royal guards as he ascended the stairs to the Prince's chamber. "Andrew," Hudson spoke, refraining a smile from dancing on his lips. "What news do you have for me?"

"Ms. Davis, Gem, I mean, wants me to bring Her Highness to her. What am I supposed to do, My Prince?"

"Do as she said."

"Yes, My Prince, b-"

"She's destined to die, Andrew. She is a murder of more than one, and that reason is enough for execution." Andrew nodded and bowed with a laden heart, leaving to search for Priscilla.

A guard ushered Andrew to a path taken by Brielle moments ago and it led him to a timid, perplexed lady. Hudson had informed him of a duo, Brielle and Abigail being given the duty of Priscilla's handmaids, so he knew that they would know where she was. "Where is Her Highness, Ms. Brielle?"

The lady glued her eyes to his face and breathed. "I- she-" Brielle stuttered, living in a palace and the duty of caring for a Princess was hard, especially for someone so timid. "No, no, Abigail has tak-" Andrew lifted his hand, interrupting. "It is fine, Ms. Brielle. I will find Her Highness on my own."

How can Her Highness tolerate such slow people?

Abigail sauntered out of the workplace and attended Brielle's lone form when she jutted her chin at a man. "Ms. Abigail, he wishes to know where is Her Highness but before I could say, he left." Abigail patted her back in affinity and chased after Andrew. He was merely walking in haste. It was easy to block his path.

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