16 | Witchcraft Center

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Priscilla kept quiet and let whispers of the witch continue. The answers to her questions were so patent that they didn't even need to be answered. Instead, she focused on the cool breeze caressing her skin that somehow calmed the storm in her mind, yet she despised it, as it reminded her of just how lonely she was.


She scoffed. It was strange how the person who caused her so many troubles was asking about how she felt. Does it even matter now when the right to live the way Priscilla wanted was snatched away from her? Why did it have to be her? Why was Priscilla Katherine's reincarnation? Couldn't it be someone else?

Don't be.

This time, she snapped, she was fed up with false sympathy when her only best friend didn't do anything in her defence. "Shut up, now I'm not even allowed to feel anything or what?" Priscilla was an outcast now. If anyone becomes aware of her identity, they would scurry away from her. She didn't belong to her mother anymore. Viola wasn't her friend anymore.

Who would even desire a killer, a witch, a criminal in their life.

Priscilla plummeted to the ground, her reign over her body was long gone and she closed her eyes, hissing at the pain of her scraped wrist. She knew Katherine was messing with her when a sadistic satisfaction rushed within her. "It is my humble request, do inform before you possess me."

She received no response but Priscilla knew what Katherine wished, so she did as desired and strode to a stable near her. Priscilla payed the required amount for taking a black with them for five hours, her purse had very little money and was almost close to being empty.

Katherine sensed her melancholy and spoke. Don't fret, your wallet would be brimming soon.

Priscilla sealed her lips yet again. There was no need for an explanation for something so absurd. She couldn't earn more money until she gets her wage and there was still quite a long time for the present month to end.

The sun's setting, let's go to the forest.

Priscilla tossed one leg over the saddle and galloped the horse in the direction of the forest. The scorching rays of the sun diminished as a bundle of cordate leaves dangling from the stem of a tree blocked its way of streaming in throughout the forest. Clumps of bushes swayed with the wind and hovering trees were slightly bent down caused by their heaviness except the tall pine tree, which stood tall.

A thin layer of mist danced lightly just above the water and the scenery of the surroundings reflected on the gently meandering lake. The water was sweeping through the meadow. "We have already passed the forest, Kath." Priscilla whispered, confusion lacing her tone when the witch questioned again.

Do you want to see magic?

It was beginning to irk Priscilla, she had never answered someone or anyone to such extent.

Priscilla rode the horse with the fear of being pounced upon by someone. The thought of having to encounter a wild animal, which she certainly didn't want to, quickly circulated her mind and it overpowered the stinging pain of the saddle.

After what seemed like hours, Priscilla was finally out of the kingdom of Crisalyus, reaching the kingdom of Valneon. She halted her horse before a large door which had the design of a large constellation. The outline of the door was shimmering gold and studded with diamond with a spell engraved on the door. Priscilla had said those words loudly in order to open the door and it did open.

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