15 | Me Within You

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Hudson loosened his clutch on the door handle. The eerie silence greeted him and the effect of it was made obvious when the hair on the nape of his neck stood.

It was all silent, without the sound of the creaking wooden chair. He lifted the lamp in his hand to the height of his face when a figure pounced on him from behind, gripping his forearms. The tense muscles felt beneath the person's fingertips.

Hudson inhaled and seized the hand of the person and spun as he hushed, calming the panicking man. "You're safe, it's me, so don't worry, grandfather." The title made the man still, emotions thawing when Hudson whispered. "Why did you shout that day when the girl, Priscilla, came in?"

Christopher whipped his head towards his grandson as he walked backwards, when Hudson added. "She told me to ask you this. Who was she?"

One question haunted Christopher. He wasn't being delusional. The nightmare has come true.

Christopher's breath fastened, lips quivering and heavy jaw hanging. He spoke for the first time today and he winced when he said the name, like a lemon was squeezed upon his tongue. "Katherine Anderson."

Silence. It was there, again. Silence was a part of Hudson's life. He never really spoke, and when he did, it was all about the crown. The King was a nice ruler, but he did nothing to remove the stain on their reputation, the stain of Katherine Anderson. And so, the Prince planned, he planned, executed and succeeded. He had removed the stain, and he deserved the crown.

So, when he heard the news of his long gone and dead but lingering enemy of being back, he froze, except for his breathing, that made his grandfather Christopher sigh in relief. He was alive. Hudson recoiled when Christopher held his hand, dangling from his knees as he squatted on the floor. "My dear, promise me one thing." It wasn't a request, it was a command veiled as a plea. "Yes, what is it, grandfather?"

"Promise me that you will kill Katherine." Hudson yanked his hand out of his grandfather's hold. He couldn't kill someone.

I can't. I can't. I can't.

"If you wish to reign over your father's kingdom, if you wish for a better tomorrow and if you wish for me to be alive." Hudson stared up at his words. He would've found it so motivating if it wasn't about vanishing one's existence.

"But grandfather-

"You have to. If you wish for these commoners who are your people to remain alive, you have to do it."

I have to. I have to. I have to.

Hudson knew Katherine's limits. They had already tested her guts, and she made it a history to remember and he did not wish for the history to repeat itself.

One person for an entire kingdom. He could do it. He had to.

"Fine, grandfather, I will kill her." And he promised.


The moment Priscilla came back from the palace, she threw glances around her house and sighed in relief to find Marilyn not present and headed to her room. She wasn't in the mood of dealing her mother's interrogation.

Priscilla's mind was already conflicted and the fact that she did not remember the conversation she had with Hudson this morning made her want to hit her head against the wall.

She was forgetting things, and it caused her to think she did not catch a disease, did she?

Priscilla grabbed a fist full of her hair, body pressed up against the wall as she slid down to the floor. She cried. She wasn't aware why, but it was the only way to let out the emotions she felt.

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