30 | Witch From Valneon

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A black hue coated brush sprawled on different sides of the canvas and silence was being the only companion of her without the chattering of kids. Viola propelled the door, allowing the voice stuck within four walls to pass through.

"Isn't this nice?" A feminine voice broke the tranquility.

"No," The same voice groaned and Harper put a hand on her head as she scrutinized, the paint coated fingers tainted her hair. "How does this look like a girl in a lake with roses around and her hair scattering?"

"Absolutely, it doesn't." Viola cocked her head, lips curving as she spoke. It was better to let other review than her own self. Harper leapt out of her chair and dust off her clothes. "Hello." She bowed when Viola interlaced her fingers, shifting in her place. "Good evening."

It was one of the many reasons why rich ones were more valued and appreciated. Their manners. It wasn't innate but the manners, behaviour and every other thing were embedded in them since childhood. "And where are your students?"

"Today's empty." Harper spread her arms to show the largely vacuous space and sighed. "I announced a day off."

Viola tipped her head and walked inside, glancing around. "Can you do something for Her Highness?" Harper wiped her hands on a towel and reiterated. "Her Highness?"

Viola wiggled her brows for indication, and Harper chuckled awkwardly. She couldn't recollect who was the royal member and how she could help when Viola began to spell the letters of Priscilla's name. "Oh," Harper gasped. "Her Highness, yes, anything for Her Highness."

Though they were alone, Viola held her forearm and hauled her to a corner. "I had asked you about a witchcraft and then aunt Barbara led me there. Do you remember?"

"Yes." It was a whispered. Why they are so involved with witches?

"Can you please fetch Willy, a witch from there to the palace?" Harper twisted her hand in her grip and ambled backwards. "Please, it is for Her Highness." The desperation in Viola's voice grew, and she only hoped the lady wouldn't turn out like Gem.

"How can I take a witch to the palace?" Harper placed a hand on her heart. It was beating unhealthy. "You can, His Highness will allow. It is his command, actually."

"I will not come in problem, right?" Harper needed confirmation, though she could do anything for Priscilla, but they were involving a palace. The consequences threaten her life. "We are poor ones. We can be executed for attempting such forbidden things."

"Don't you believe His Highness?" Viola stepped ahead to calm the panicking painter. "He's such a great prince."

Harper kept quiet. She did believe the prince. The day when they were escorted to the palace on the accusation of heist, he was the one who saved them, let them go when he could've imprisoned them just to better his reputation.

"It is His Highness's command and if you don't-" Harper intervened. "Fine." Viola's chest fell in relief. "When do I have to go?"

"Right now."

"Right now?"


Priscilla curled her toes under the table when the fork in her clutch clunk on the platter. She hissed, lowering her eyes. She noticed how, for the first time in these days, William politely gestured Josephine to stay silent. To not utter a word. William had a stern expression etched on his face, and he wasn't silently admiring his family today.

"Isn't strange, Priscilla," William spoke, keeping his utensils aside. He ordered the servants to serve more. "That you have green eyes?"

The doors of the dining hall opened and Hudson pottered in his glory, occupying his usual seat as the servants began to fill his platter. "Father." Hudson's baritone voice cut through the calm air. "When did beauty became strange?"

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