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Brielle frowned, but she wasn't glaring at the sun. The confused look was for the parted curtains as she shut them slightly.

Priscilla merely smiled and sat by herself, roaming her eyes in the empty chamber of Hudson as Abigail walked out of her bathroom after preparing her bath. She wasn't yawning, neither she was drowsy, yet she was culpable.

Hudson's entire night had gone in calming his spouse. Whenever the Prince was close to dozing, the princess had woken up from her nightmare, panicking, and Hudson had told her it was all dreams and the reality was different.

It happened twice, and that was enough time for the sky to blush with the sun's arrival.

The servants had spent the night decorating the palace exactly after the lunch where Hudson announced the coronation's date.

It was after breakfast when Priscilla was surrounded by five handmaids to adorn her in an expensive gown as she refrained from swinging her legs with Josephine in her chamber. Brielle listened to how the Queen wanted the Princess to appear and Abigail decked her in jewelries according to her demand.

The Queen stared at her reflection in the mirror from the bed, furrowing her brows for the slightest if the handmaids made any mistake. She wanted the next Queen to look perfect.

It was the day of coronation, after all.

Priscilla had expected the coronation to be held in the same place where her wedding had taken place, but she was escorted to a hall on the fourth floor.

The hall was filled with reigning monarchs of other kingdoms, the General with the people of royal court, royal mentor and the legislature for the accession. Now she realised what it was like to be a princess. The servants were all labouring when she was bettering her appearance.

Josephine sauntered from behind to occupy her throne and motioned her to follow as Priscilla was stuck in her place. Hudson marched from the entrance and his face was solemn, without a display of anything.

Hudson bent on one of his knee before the King, William Smith with his head hung down in respect. William lifted the crown from his head, lowering it to the Prince's head. Every monarch stood and, in the presence of the legislature, the crown was bestowed upon Hudson's head.

Hudson felt the crown settle as he lifted his chin and surged to his feet, turning to face everyone, he uttered his special oath. "Believe in me, Hudson Smith, and hereafter my endeavours are only to better Crisalyus."

The hair on Priscilla's skin stood as she stared at Hudson. "I pledge to do justice, no matter the situation or circumstances and despite everything."

Hudson sat on the throne and Josephine nodded her head at Priscilla and the Princess walked to the Queen. She was dazed as Josephine gestured her to kneel and she did the same as Hudson.

Josephine lifted the crown from her head and lowered it to the Princess's head and once again, in the presence of the highest ranked, the crown was bestowed upon Priscilla's head.

She froze as the crown settled on her head through her hair, the hefty weight felt on her scalp. Priscilla stayed still. It was supposed to be only Hudson's coronation. Priscilla raised her eyes to Josephine and her gaze was glazed with tears. She was overwhelmed and yet she couldn't name the emotions.

Hudson only stared ahead, though she knew he was descrying her from the corner of his eyes. Priscilla could see the smile obscuring behind his lips.

She stood and spun, her gown twirling. "My every breath from henceforth, is to service Crisalyus." Priscilla spoke, her voice wasn't a whisper but a loud, firm pledge. "I promise not a better but best kingdom ever." Priscilla turned and sat on the throne as Josephine forsaken the place.

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