Chapter Three

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[Picking up Pope]

[Picking up Pope]

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Joanna was sat on the HMS Pogue reading one of her many books, she had on a pink floral dress and her signature straw hat.

"Sure hope Guffy's boat didn't sink. He doesn't have insurance" JJ said taking Jo's hat and placing it on his head.


"Hi, Miss Amy! You guys get through it?" Jo asked them, oblivious to the fact that her hat wasn't on her head anymore.

"Still here" the woman replied.

"She totally looked at me" JJ smirked, "I saw it" John B agreed.

"As if" Jo scoffed laying her book to the side.

"Dude, look at this place" JJ whistles and Jo stands up next to him to look around.

"Agatha, what did you do?"

"She is a crazy lady"

"Hardcore dud, Hurricane Surge"


"We'll be cleaning this all summer" Jo sighed as she snatched her hat back from JJ who only gave her a cheeky wink.

"That is my nightmare"

"Well, look who we have here" JJ whoops as they near Pope.

"We have a safety meeting. Attendance mandatory." John B speaks through a non existent radio.

"I can't. My pop's got me on lockdown." Pope groaned.

"Come on, man. You're dad's a pussy. Over" he mimics the same voice as John b did before.

"Oh, I heard that, you little bastard." Heyward speaks up looking at the group of teens.

"We need your son." Jo smiled as she held out her hand towards Pope.

"Yeah, and island rules. Day after a hurricane's a free day."

"Who the hell made that up?"

"Uh" JJ looked towards Jo for help.

"Pentagon?" She suggested.

"Yeah , we have security clearance, I have a card."

"Y'all think I'm stupid?"

"I'll do it tomorrow. I promise. Tomorrow." Pope tells his dad.

"Hell no. You doin' it right now"

"Get in the boat Pope" Jo whispers with a big smile on her face.

"Make a run for it" John B encourages.

"Boy, if you get in that boat-"

But before Hayward could finish his sentence Pope dropped the hose and jumped over into the boat.

"Go, go, go."

"Bring your ass back up here" Heyward called but the boat was already off.

"I promise I'll do it tomorrow, Dad!"

Heyward continued shouting things at the group of friends who were just laughing.

"Love you pops" John B called.

"We'll bring him back in one piece" JJ and Jo said in unison.

"And I don't like your friends! Except for Jo, she's nice!"

Ray of Sunshine| JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now