*"I really don't think I'll last that long."*

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brad is a virgin, you're not and he is nervous if he's doing anything right

type; smut

warnings; -

"Brad, do you ever think about sex?"

"Well... yeah, of course, I do."

"Do you... think about sex... with me?"

It hadn't bothered you when Brad told you he was a virgin, it didn't change how you thought of him so you shrugged him off and told him you didn't care as long as you were together.

For a while it was fine; Brad was his usual goofy self near enough every day, he was a gentleman when taking you on dates and he was always sweet when you kissed him.

But shortly after, you started to see some changes. Every time you would almost go further than making out, he would stop and pull away. Of course, you didn't want to make him uncomfortable by doing anything he didn't want to do so you'd snuggle into his shoulder instead and watch trashy TV.

However, when a month later he would still do the same thing, you became worried.

What if he doesn't like you anymore?

What if he doesn't want to have sex with you?

What if he's found somebody else and doesn't want his first time to be with you?

The thoughts swam around your head so much that sometimes it hurt to think.


The boy in question hummed in acknowledgement whilst his arm was wrapped around your shoulder and your face was burrowed into his neck.

"Do you ever think about sex?"

You thought you heard him choke slightly when he heard that.

"Well... yeah, of course, I do."

You were more hesitant, more nervous with your next question, "Do you... think about sex... with me?"

You looked up at Brad but he wasn't looking at you. You saw him gulp and immediately began to feel guilty for even bringing it up; you should have waited until he was ready.

"You're my girlfriend, obviously I think about having sex with you."

"So it's not me then, right?" You breathed a sigh of relief and reached up to caress Brad's jaw with your fingers; you continued in a softer tone, "It's okay if you're not ready, you know?"

Finally, Brad looked down to you and smiled, all tight lipped and you wondered if it were more fitting to be called a grimace instead.

"I am ready."

You thought your face must have shown how unconvinced you were because Brad sighed hard before continuing.

"I just don't want to be... inadequate."

"Babe, why would you ever think that?" You sat up slightly in his arms, wanting to face him more front on. "Is it because I'm not a virgin?"

Brad nodded and then hurried to continue, "Not that there's anything wrong with that, you're my girlfriend and it's none of my business going into your past relationships and making you feel bad. I just don't want to come to have sex with you to only last like, a minute and for you to be disappointed." The last line was mumbled but you still heard him.

"Brad I would never think that." You took hold of his face in both hands and kissed his nose gently, causing a soft smile to tug at his lips. "Sure, it might not be the best sex but that just gives us more reason to have a lot of sex." You giggle when saying the last part.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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