now we're talking

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warnings; none?

"Babeee", Brad exclaimed the second he saw you walking over to him.

James had called you to quote "come collect your drunk man", and to be honest you wanted Brad home so you didn't really mind. You had promised them to give them a ride anyways, so you skipped your usual Friday-night glass of wine.

"Hey", you said, stopping in front of your boyfriend, "Ready to go home?"

"No, I have a girlfriend", he slurred.

You rolled your eyes and looked over at James who had a dopey grin on his face. He had told you they were just going out for a few beers, but apparently that had gone out the window. James sounded perfectly fine on the phone, so they had definitely done some shots before you arrived because he was drunk as a sailor now.

"Brad, I'm your girlfriend. You just called me babe", you said, giggling.

"Oh right! You are my babe! Wow I'm so lucky", he half-yelled, reaching out and wrapping his hands around your waist.

He buried his face in your stomach. You sighed and reached up to run your fingers through his soft, brown hair.

"What happened to only a few beers?", you asked, turning to James. He looked very guilty all of a sudden.

"There was a two for one deal, so we obviously had to get two each", he said.

"You could have just gotten one each and split the tab"

"Oh", James said, looking like a light bulb just went off in his head. "Didn't think of that"

You were just about to respond when you felt Brad giggle against your stomach.

"You smell so good. You always do, even your pussy smells good. God, I want to bury my head between your legs", Brad said. He slid his hands down to your ass, but you quickly moved them away.

"Alright horny ass man, that's enough. Let's get you home", you said, slowly starting to walk backwards until Brad almost fell off the stool he was sitting on.

He scrambled to his feet before sliding an arm around your waist and leaning all his body weight onto you. The bartender shot you a thankful look as you gestured for James to come with.

You dropped James off first before turning onto the road that led to your shared apartment. Brad was half-asleep in the passenger seat, but he kept pulling himself out of it and sending you sheepish looks. He probably thought he was seducing you, but you honestly just found it endearing.

"Can we have sex when we get home?", he asked, leaning over the mid console to press a kiss to your cheek. You giggled and pushed him back into his seat, trying to focus on actually getting you home safe.

"My love, you're way too drunk", you said, turning into your street. "You won't even be able to get hard"

"Uhm yes I can", he said with determination. He reached down to unbuckle his jeans and was just about to slide them down his legs when you pulled out in front of your apartment.

"Jesus Brad, wait until we're inside at least"

"I want to be inside of you", he whined, pouting his lips.

"Ever the charmer", you laughed, "Come on, let's go"

"Now we're talking"

He tried to press you up against the bedroom door once you made it inside but stumbled on his feet and fell into your arms.

"See? You can't even walk and you want to have sex?", you giggled.

You pushed him down on the bed and pulled him up into a sitting position. His face fell into the crook of your neck as you pulled his t-shirt off.

"Please", he whined, sucking lightly on the skin of your neck.

"Let's just go to bed and I'll wake you up with a blowie instead? How does that sound?", you asked, pulling his jeans down his legs. Brad eyed you for a few seconds, seemingly weighing his options.

He looked down on his lap. Yup, still soft, and groaned.

"Promise?", he asked, meeting your eyes again. His lips in a pout.

"I promise, Brad", you giggled, leaning down to press a kiss to lips.

Once you pulled back, you pushed him down on the bed and barely managed to get him to move upwards until he was fast asleep and snoring lightly beside you. His arm heavy over your stomach.

"I love you, Brad", you whispered before closing your eyes. It felt nice to have him home and close to you, and you definitely held your promise the next morning. Much to Brads excitement.

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