can we talk?,, part 2 of tinwo

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warnings: angst, smut, cute

It took Brad a total of 2 minutes figure it out.

Then, another three for him to jump out of the booth, eyes widening and heart pounding.

This was his last chance.

He knew that after he'd let her walk away without a fight once again, she wouldn't come back. Y/N was strong and stubborn in that way, something he adored of her.

He's out the door and rushing past the fans slowly forming a crowd in front of the restaurant, climbing into the driver's seat with a few mumbled apologies to them.

It was freezing outside, the winter weather still holding up despite it being early March, and Brad was pretty positive he'd felt a bit of snow on his shoulder earlier when he was first entering the restaurant.

"Bloody hell," He mumbles angrily, brows furrowed as he tries to drive through the huddled fans.

They're moving out of the way, but very slowly, and Brad's about ready to burst. Rolling down his window, he sticks his head out, hearing the yells of his name and calls for his attention.

"Hey, can you all please move away from my car? I'm running a bit behind on something," He lies, voice a bit harsh as he's on the very edge with his patience.

Every second that passed, the love of his life was slipping further and further out of his fingertips.

They listen now, manoeuvring a path for his car, and when there's just enough space for him, he's flying forward, down the street and in the direction he knows Y/N's house is in.

Just as he though, snow begins piling down suddenly, Brad flicking on his windshield wipers, squinting his eyes some and leaning forward to try and see further.

As he drives down the streets, he catches sight of a small figure walking down the sidewalk in the distance, slowly getting clearer as he nears them.

He can see it then, the Y/H/C hair with snow quickly covering it, arms wrapped around the small body as it shivers some from the cold. His engine revs as he speeds to the sidewalk, pulling up beside her. Y/N was startled by the sudden sound, spinning around and putting a hand above her eyes to block to snow as she looks around.

And there's Brad's black car pulled right beside her on the road, now driving slowly beside her. She frowns, turning to face away from him as he rolls his window down.

"Y/N, Please, get in the car," He begs, "You're gonna get sick, love, and I couldn't live with myself knowing I was the cause."

Y/N huffs, glancing back at him, his eyes glancing everyone and then from the road to her, head popped out of the window some, white flecks gathering in his bouncy curls.

His car is inviting, a place Y/N was familiar with from all the long drives and late-night dates her and Brad had gone to in it.

It's warm, and it smells of Brad, and outside, where she is, is just cold and uncomfortable. Her bottom lip quivers as she thinks of giving in to him, not wanting to be weak.

"Please," He tries again, "I'll drive you back to your apartment, and the ride will give me time to explain everything."

Y/N clenches her fists, breathing in deeply before sighing, walking towards his car. Brad lets out a breath of relief as he watches her go around the car and climb into the passenger seat.

Y/N's instantly surrounded by his scent, making her mind actually spin a bit from how much she missed it. She curls into herself in the seat, basking in the warmth of the vehicle.

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