whole different thing

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requested; Brad and Y/n argue about her ex.

warnings; a small bit of angst

[A/N, i changed it a bit, hope you don't mind.]

"No! Don't you dare blame this on me, Brad!"

"Well, what do you expect me to do?"

"I don't know, trust me maybe?!"

"How am I supposed to? Tell me, Y/N, because I am DYING to know!"

This argument had been going for at least 30 minutes now. The day had started out perfectly.

Your best friend ( also known as your ex ), Nathan, had just come home from living across the world and you hadn't seen each other in years. He asked you to grab a coffee which you gladly accepted.

The thing was that fans had spotted you hugging and the tweets spread rumours faster than a lightning. Of course, Brad had seen the pictures and was by now furious.

"Because he is my best friend and I would never do anything to hurt you." You responded with a loud voice.

Brad snorted and folded his arms over his chest.

"Brad, you meet hundreds of girls each day and you never hear me complaining when you hug them."

"That's a whole different thing, Y/N."

"But it isn't!" You argued and crossed your arms over your chest as you took a step closer to him.

"Yeah it is! My job includes meeting fans. It's pretty much my duty to make them happy. Without them I am nothing."

"What about my happiness?" You mumbled and looked down on your feet. In the corner of your eyes, you saw how he frowned confused and rolled his eyes.

"What about it?" He simply answered.

"How do think I'm feeling when you go off touring, sometimes being away for over 6 months?"

He stood silent.

"How do you think I'm doing? It's not like I'm having sex with each guy I see just because you're not home and I feel alone. Brad, I wait for you to come home because I love you."

Brad snorted and rolled his eyes once again.

"Why should I believe what you're saying? Who knows, maybe you've been sleeping around. Maybe you've been a stupid groupie all this time? Maybe, each time I'm in the studio, Nathan comes here and fucks you behind my back?"


Those words hit you like knives stabbing you over and over again. How could he say that? You would never, ever do such a thing. You thought he knew that.

You just glared at him with wide eyes and a slightly open mouth. You felt like crying, but not in front of Brad. No, he didn't deserve your tears.

Suddenly his face turned around as he just realized what he said.

"N-no, Y/N I didn't—"

"Save it." You interrupted him and turned around to grab your bag on the floor. You couldn't stay anymore.

"Where are you going?" He asked with a voice of panic.

You stood up straight and swung your bag over your shoulder and looked at your boyfriend.

"Not your concern. I'm surprised you even care." You muttered and grabbed your converse to put them on.

"But it is my concern!" You gave him an angry glare and ignored him. Now he cares? About time.

"Y/N, don't you dare. Don't you dare walk out on me." He said and glared at you with a clenched jaw.

You took a few deep breaths before you turned around and headed for the door.

"Watch me, superstar."

You were about to open the door when a hand quickly smashed the door close again. You caught your breath and jumped around to see Brad standing only a few inches away from your face with his hands pressed against the door to hold it close. You opened your mouth to scream at him, but no words came out.

"Don't go." He's husky voice muttered and looked into your Y/E/C eyes with such desperation. You didn't have an answer. You just looked into his brown eyes and felt yourself drowning in them.


Suddenly he crashed his lips on yours which made you catch your breath in surprise. He pressed you up against the door even more and held his hands on your hips. You started to relax and kissed him back which made him squeeze your hips even more.

After a few seconds, he slowly pulled back and rested his forehead against yours as you both breathed each other in.

"Stay. Please. I love you." He raspy whispered. You gulped hard before nodding your head slowly.

"I'm wasn't going anywhere."

𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐝 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now