good show?

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request; romantic sex, holding hands, biting on lips, kisses

warnings: none

A/N; okay so i decided to do two imagines of this request, this first is more like a filler and the smut is coming tomorrow:)

"Good show?"

You chat with your boyfriend as the two of you sit in one of the rows of the crowded van that was taking you, your boyfriend, and his bandmates to their hotel for the night after they just finished performing a show in front of thousands of their fans.

"One of the best," Brad answers, grinning over at you.

You laugh, leaning into his side as you wrap your arms around one of his, resting your head against his shoulder.

"You say that every show." You respond, snuggling into the warmth of his neck a bit.

He hadn't showered yet, simply changing from his sweaty show clothes before you all left but the sweat smell mingled with his usual Brad smell and it was so familiar and comforting to you. He smelled good even sweaty.

"All of them are the best." He counters, giving a small shrug but makes sure not to move enough to disturb you too much as you rested against him.

He reaches over to rest a hand on your thigh, running his fingers up and down the fabric of your jeans.

"Could go for a bath," Brad comments later when the two of you get to the quiet comfort of your hotel room.

Rarely did the two of you ever get a room to yourself, usually having to share with one of the other guys but they said they would all bunk up together so that the two of you could have some privacy after not having much time to be a couple over the last few weeks of the tour.

"Well then let's take a bath." You smile over at him before heading towards the large bathroom.

"Besides, you need one. You stink." You joke, grinning at him.

He pouts at you for a second before he rushes at you. You squeal and try to get into the bathroom and away from him but he catches you and slams his chest into your back as his large hands grip your hips.

"That was mean, love." He mumbles as he leans down and his lips find the pulse at the base of your throat.

You tilt your head as he reaches a hand up to brush your hair out of his way completely and bites at your soft skin. You lean back into his touch, feeling every curve of his body against yours. You reach back with one hand, gripping at his thigh, the other hand coming up to tangle in his long curls.

"You know I love you even when you smell." He pulls away after you speak these words and turns you around to smirk down at you.

"If you've quite finished saying I smell, I'd like that bath." You smile and nod, reaching up on your toes to press a gentle kiss to his lips.

When you pull away though, he pulls you back in with a much more fierce kiss. His arms around you tighten and he sways the two of you back and forth a bit, humming a bit into your mouth.

"Thought you wanted a bath." You pull away from his lips to say.

He trails kiss after kiss from the corner of your mouth down to your neck. He hums against your skin again before biting at you playfully. You give a yelp as he pulls back, a boyish grin on his face. You bring a hand up, running it across his dimple on one cheek.

"I do." He pulls away then, taking a step back from you. "So get to work."

He points towards the large tub over to the side, his cheeky grin still in place. You raise an eyebrow at him, getting a laugh in return.

"Jus' jokin, love." He leans in to press a soft kiss to your cheek before he heads over to the tub and begins to mess with the taps.

"You gonna help me undress or is it a job I must do all myself?" You question when he turns away as the tub begins to fill with hot water. You give a pout, looking down as you tug at your shirt.

"It's a tough job, my love, but I think I am up for it." He walks across the large bathroom and as soon as his arms wrap around your waist once more, his lips were on yours.

By the time the tub was filled, both of you were rid of clothing and he held your hand, helping you step into the warm water. He then climbs in after you, both of you submerging your bodies into the water. You lean back into his body, his arms tight around you as he buries his nose in your hair. He gives a large content sigh, kissing the side of your head. You rest your hands on top of his, leaning back into his kiss.

"Bes' way to wind down after a show." He mutters into the quiet calm that surrounded the two of you. Even naked in the bath together, the moment was intimate and romantic for other reasons.

The closeness you could have with your significant other without needing sex was something rarely ever achieved by some but you'd found it with Brad. Of course, the sex was amazing too but you lived for moments like these. Wrapped up in his strong arms, his breathing soft and quiet in your ear, silence wrapping around you both as you just enjoy the others company and presence.

"I love you." His voice was quiet, not much more than a whisper as he leaned down close to your ear.

You grip your fingers into his arm for a second before turning your head just enough to make eye contact with him. You both share soft and loving smiles before you reach up with one hand to rest it on his slightly stubbly cheek.

"I love you too." You whisper back, meaning it with every little bit of you.

There was no one else you could ever love this much or in this way. You'd found your forever and you couldn't be happier about it.

Brad smiles down at you for a second before pressing his lips to yours. You couldn't think of a better way to end the night than here wrapped up in Brad's arms in a nice warm bath surrounded by calm and silence apart from your breaths and the sound of your lips moving together. You were so in love with him, and he with you.

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