daddy's little girl

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type: fluff
warnings: none

Your body is exhausted, but it was worth it. The gentle baby girl that rests in your arms was the result of a 30 hour labor. If Brad wasn't driving the car, he wouldn't take his eyes off her.

When you arrive home he runs to open your door and helps you to the house.

"How is she?" He asks quietly, not wanting to wake her.

"She's wonderful."

You rub her hand which is clutching her blanket. Brad leads you to the couch and sits next to you, just staring at his new baby girl.

"Do you want to hold her?" You whisper. His eyes light up, "Yes!"

You hand her over to him and he curls her up in his arms. She opens her eyes and yawns, looking up into his eyes. She smiles, and he smiles back. She reaches her hand up and touches his face, smiling.

"She's perfect, Y/n." He is absolutely mesmerized by her.

"I know..."

Your eyes droop slightly, you were exhausted. Brad looks up at you and smiles softly.

"Take a nap love, you deserve it" You nod and lay your head on a pillow, quickly drifting off to sleep.

You wake up five minutes later to the sound of the baby screaming.

"What- who- what's wrong?" You ask as you bolt up, slightly confused.

"I don't know!"

"She must be hungry..." You yawn. "And maybe she needs a diaper change."

"Already?" Brad sighs.

"Could you change her?"

He looks lost, like you've just asked him to contort his body into a pretzel. You sigh and stand, scooping the baby up.

"Alright, let me teach you."

Going through the motions of changing a diaper isn't that hard, but Brad's hands was shaking like he was psyching himself out before preforming a surgery.

He finally got it down and the baby was in a fresh diaper.

"I'll feed her now." You pick her up gently, rocking her in your arms. "You should eat something, I'm sure you haven't eaten in a while."

He nods, glad to be out of your way now.

After you feed the baby, she immediately falls to sleep and you set her to bed quietly. You curl up on the couch and Brad joins you soon after he's done eating.

"How are you, love?" He asks softly.

"I'm good for the most part, just exhausted..."He nods, kissing your neck.

"You should sleep."

"But what if the baby wakes up and starts crying? Or if she needs another diaper change?"

"I'm not going to be a completely useless father, I'll take care of whatever she needs."

He looks down at you with calm eyes and your mind flashes back to when you told him you were pregnant. He was nothing but happy. The sparkle in his eyes, the excitement in his voice... he was the exact same way now.

" Thank you," you murmur.

Before he can reply, you hear the soft cries of the baby again. You groan, but Brad just chuckles and walks away to get her.

When he comes back, she's sucking on her thumb happily, staring up at her daddy. He sits next to you again and you both just stare at her. Her soft brown eyes and dark curly hair, just like her daddy's.

"I can already tell she loves you."

"I can too..." He grins.

She stares up at her parents with her eyes twinkling. She looked just like Brad when her eyes twinkled like that. Eyes, hair, smile, love just like her daddy's. She would grow up to be a beautiful little girl, and you could just tell... she would be a daddy's girl.

𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐝 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now