it-It's just me, okay?

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warnings; mentions of abuse, smoking, sad

A/N: Brad isn't famous in this.
he smokes and gets beaten at home

It had been 5 months since you and Brad started seeing each other. You were star struck by Brad when you first saw him, but you weren't dumb enough to let him know that. Truly, you didn't have to. You were the first girl Brad wanted to chase.

When he asked you out, you thought it would turn out being a mistake, instead, it turned out to be the best thing to happen to you.

It was a happy five months spent laughing and taking trips to the lake, where you two sat for hours just existing with one another. Though things were great when you were together, Brad didn't live a sunshine life outside of his moments with you.

Many nights Brad's house played the tune of broken glasses and chaotic yelling. Multiple times a week, you'd see a new scar forming. No matter how small, you always noticed them and each time you'd get awful pain in the pit of your stomach.

It amazed you, how Brad dealt with so much but still treated you like a princess.

Lately, he seemed distant though. You always spent the weekends with him, allowing him to get a short break from his Dad. The problem wasn't that he didn't come to see you anymore though, it was that he hadn't touched you in so long.

It had been a little over a month since you two had been intimate with each other. I mean, there were occasional times where he would finger you and even eat you out, but every time you reached for his pants he'd tell you, "No, just let me make this about you."

The first few times this turned you on more than ever, but after a while, you started to become curious. You started to think he was seeing someone else, and even at one point went through his phone while he showered.

But you discovered nothing, because why would Brad, who was closer to you than anyone else cheat on you? Nothing made sense.

You thought he found you irresistible. It was getting hard not to start questioning your body, wondering if your boobs weren't big enough and sometimes wishing they were bigger. It was everything; was your face getting fatter? Did you grow any new stretch marks? Why weren't you good enough, you asked yourself multiple times a day.

It was around 5:00 pm when you got off of work, texting Brad to be at your house shortly. You had the house to yourself tonight since everyone was still at work or out at dinner.

You decided to wait to take a shower, knowing he had just left the gym and would need to take one as well. It was part of your plan to get some romantic action going. You just missed showing your love for him in that way.

Shortly after coming home, you heard Brad's car pull into your driveway.

You had texted him to let him know the door was unlocked and just to come in. Your heart started to beat fast, hearing the car door shut. You still got butterflies anytime he came over, they never once faded and were still all too intense. You started to gather your clothes for after your shower, humming to yourself.

A gentle knock tapped against your door, causing you to look up from a drawer you were rummaging through. Your eyes lit up as Brad stood in the door frame with a soft smile on his face,

"How was work, princess?" He walked over, plopping down on your bed and kicking his shoes off. You placed your clothes on top of the dresser, practically skipping over to the bed.

"I didn't think I could ever hate ice cream", You chuckled, "but it's the worst."

You looked at Brad, who grinned,

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