youre fucking cheating on me?

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warning; sad/angry

You sighed, and walked up the steps to your front door. It had been a long day at work, and you couldn't wait to cuddle with Brad.

You were an hour or so early, because you were too tired to get the groceries. You quietly unlocked the door, and stepped inside, taking off your shoes and rubbing your feet in relief.

"He's gonna be so scared," You laughed quietly to yourself.

Strangely, Brad was nowhere to be found in his office.

Unsurely, you began to quietly ascend the stairs, avoiding the creaky parts. When you reached the top, you could hear moans. A pit of dread filled your stomach, and you prayed that it wasn't what you thought it was. You were barely breathing as you talk a step forward, and pushed open the door in one quick motion.

On the bed that you and Brad shared, it was an half naked girl, who had on black lace underwear and blonde, straight hair. Her head thrown back and her lips were slightly parted, her eyes shut.

Brad was kissing her neck and chest, leaving hickeys in various areas. He was shirtless, and his brown hair was messy. The girl let out another soft moan, and he did too.

Neither of them appeared to notice you.

You heart had felt like it had stopped, and tears sprung to your eyes. You blinked them back, and forced an emotionless tone over your voice.

"I see you were really busy with work while I was gone," You said loudly, gazing at him with disgust.

Brad froze, and turned to face you slowly. When he saw you standing in the doorway, a look of complete shock and horror passed over his face. The girl's expression mirrored his exactly

"I think you should go," You forced a tight lipped smile towards the girl, and she muttered an "Okay" before grabbing her clothes, and running out the room in a blur.

You were silent until you heard the front door slam, and even then you looked out the window at the now-darkening sky, which was studded with twinkling stars, refusing to look him in the eye.

"You're fucking cheating on me?" You said finally in a small voice.

Brad sighed, but said nothing, and gazed down at his lap.

"How long has this been going on for?" Your voice was hoarse, and there was a lump forming in your throat.

"Around 10 months," He mumbled, meeting your eye for a millisecond before looking away again.

"I can't believe you. Why? Am I not good enough for you?" Tears were spilling down your cheeks now, and no matter how hard you tried to hold them back, it was impossible.

You wrapped your arms around yourself, as if it were possible to just hold yourself back together. You wished you never came home early.

"I guess you weren't," He answered calmly, gazing at you levelly in the eye.

You gasped and took a step back, as if he'd just hit you. It felt worse than that- like a knife in an open wound. A sob escaped your throat, and you turned around and ran downstairs, grabbing your car keys and shoving your feet into your comfy sneakers roughly. Your hair was a mess, and you were still in your work uniform, but you didn't care. The only thing on your mind was 'I need to get out of here'

"Y/N, wait. I didn't mean that!" Brad came running down after you, and went over to you, grabbing your arm.

"Don't fucking touch me. Not after you've touched her like that. Don't even look at me. You lied to me. I hate you!" You snarled, and flinched away from him.

A hurt expression flicked over face, before being replaced with an angry one.

"Fine. Go then. See if I care. It's kind of obvious you hate me anyway, seeing as if you loved me you would of stayed so we can talk this out. I'll just call Michelle to come back, and we'll continue what you interrupted," He snapped, looking at you coldly.

"You do that. I'll be back for my stuff Thursday. If you really loved me, you would be apologising, not saying that I'm not good enough for you, or that you're going to carry on having sex with the girl that ruined our 3 year relationship. Bye Brad. I'm over you. I trusted you with my heart, but you broke it. Have a nice life," You pulled off your engagement ring, and dropped it on the floor.

It rolled off somewhere, and Brad reached out for you.

"No, don't leave me! I didn't mean to cheat, or to say any of that stuff! I was angry! I love you, and only you. I can't survive without you! Please, let's talk this out," He pleaded.


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