High School is Hard

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"Mom!" Cadence yells walking into the house. "Mom where are you?" She walks lightly, inheriting her mother's footsteps, as she listen for any sign of her. She stops and closes her eyes, honing her senses until she smells her mom's perfume. Cadence takes off in that direction flanked by her older sister.

"Mom!" She yells running straight into Genevieve's back. "Sorry. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine but are you? Why ya run through mi house like a tornado?"

"Have you been talking to grandad?" Cadence can always tell when Genevieve's been talking to her dad, her accents begin to blend.

"Yes. Now what is it child? I've got to finish cooking before your dad gets home."

"They're having a kids and parents night in a month or something." Lyra says finally making it to the hallway.

"They want us to ask our parents to participate." Cadence says excitedly.

"They know dad can't come but they specifically asked if you'd do it." I still feel sad that my husband can't participate in any of their school events. He always watches them even if I have to film it so he can watch it later but after the swarm at our first parent event we agreed he'd only be a spectator.

"What are the events? What do I have to do?"

"Well, we have to come up with our own cheer and perform it." Cadence smiles.

"And there's gonna be a stand battle between us captains. We have to get two other family members to dance with us."

"Well who do you pick?"

"I tried to get Eli to do it with me but he's a coward!"

"I ain't no coward! I just don't wanna do that girly ass dancing."

"Aye", Genevieve claps looking angrily at her son. "Five dollars! In the jar! You can cuss in my house when your grades are better and you can put together a proper sentence and what did I tell you about calling stuff girly? Just because you aren't man enough to do it doesn't mean it's for girls."

"Whatever. I'm going to my room." Elijah pushes past them and heads upstairs. Genevieve sighs and turns her attention to her daughters.

"Did something happen in school today?"

"People are messing with him about dad at school again."

"I thought he was over this."

"He did too but I guess someone challenged him today and it didn't go well."

"He'll talk when he's ready. No body pressure him. Just give him love and let him be."

"Mom, can we work on our cheer after dinner?"

"You know after dinner is for me and your father to spend time together."

"I know but I have a paper to write for class before dinner! Please we'll just pick music today. 30 minutes max!"

"Fine but you won't be doing anything if you don't do that paper."

"I'm on it!" Cadence heads to her room determined to get things done.

"What about you? Anything you want to rush off and go do?"

"No, I was kind of hoping we could talk." Lyra twirls a piece of hair around her finger nervously.

"Of course. I was heading to the kitchen to put on some tea for your father. Would you like some?" Lyra nods softly and together they walk to the kitchen.

Lyra is Genevieve's quiet child. She was sad to find out the Lyra inherited her sensitivity but after years of dealing with it herself Genevieve has been able to help her through it. Lyra is grateful for the quiet moments she can spend with her mother. Just them, alone together.

"Someone asked me on a date." Her voice was soft but in the silence it seemed so loud. "His name is Bryan. He's in my grade. He asked me at practice."

"Does he play a sport?"

"No. He's in charge of the school newspaper. He was in practice trying to get information on Parent's Night."

"How did it happen?"

"I don't know. He just kinda came up to me and asked what I was doing his weekend. I told him I'd be studying and he asked if I had time between studying to go see a movie with him."

"What did you tell him?"

"That I'd check my schedule and let him know on Wednesday."

"What're y'all in here whispering about?" Prince asks walking into the kitchen.

"No, dad you have to leave I'm too embarrassed!" Lyra squeals hiding behind her hands.

"It would appear a young man has taken interest in our baby girl."

"He asked you out?" Lyra nods peeking between her fingers.

"Where does he want to take her?"

"The movies." Genevieve responds. Prince squints a little unsure of what the issue is. Genevieve shrugs. Then something clicks for him.

"Are you worried about being alone in the dark with a boy?" Prince asks softly.

"What if he tries to kiss me? Or hold hands in the popcorn? Or if he does that lame thing where he yawns and tries to put his arm around me?!?!" She sighs and walks into her father, resting her head on his chest. "What do I do?"

"Lyra, you can tell him no. You know that right?" Genevieve says rubbing her daughter's back.

"But I kind of like him. I just don't want to be alone with him."

"Why don't you give him a counter offer?" Prince asks patting her back. "Tell him you want to go skating and we'll all go."

"We'll stay out the way unless you want us to." Genevieve says agreeing.

"You'd come on my date with me?"

"Yea. It'll be fun. Plus me and your mom haven't gone skating in a while."

"Thanks, dad." She smiles, hugging him.

"Go get some rest before dinner, okay? And I wanna hear more about this boy later okay?"

"If I knew they'd all be in high school stressing me out and eating all of my groceries at the same time. I would've spread those pregnancies out a bit more."

"We had twins first we'd still have 2 in high school."

"Right." Genevieve sighs.

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