Home Sweet.. Apartment

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Warnings: Swear words, f slur, slight fighting

A black car drove along the icy roads, headed to their new home in Nockfell County. The ride had been silent for a few hours except the faint sound of music playing throughout the car. M/n and F/n sat in the front seats whilst Y/n sat in the back, his head leaned up against the window. Y/n didn't want to leave his friends behind, but he knew he didn't have a say in the decision. "Mom, are we almost there?" Y/n asked, voice almost as faint as the music.

"Yes hun, we're almost there." His mother responded, annoyed at how many times the boy had asked.

The family sat in silence for the rest of the drive and once they got to the apartment complex, Y/n got out immediately to stretch his legs that were sore from the long ride. They all took some boxes to their room and put them where they would need to go. Eventually there was only one box left and F/n made the H/c haired boy get it. Once he got the box, he closed the boot of the car. Y/n headed inside and towards the lift, seeing a blue haired boy waiting for the doors to open.

The boy had blue eyes, matching his hair that was the colour of the sky, he also had fair skin, piercing that aligned the helix of both of his ears, and a mask that covered his whole face, excluding the eyeholes. Y/n stood next to the (shorter/taller) boy but stayed quiet.

"Uhm, you're the person who just moved in, right?" The boy asked. Y/n looked towards him before nodding his head and looking back at the lift. "Well, I'm Sal. It's nice to meet you!"

The boy's eyes closed in the slightest, indicating that he was smiling. "I'm Y/n." He responded, tired after getting no sleep the night before. The metal doors opened and the two males went inside. Sal hit the fourth floor bitten before asking Y/n what floor he was on, and Y/n responded by telling him the third floor. "I like your mask."

Sal put a hand behind his neck and smiled nervously. "It's a prosthetic." He informed and Y/n's eyes widened slightly but not enough for Sal to notice. Y/n quickly apologized before getting cut off by Sal at the end of his sentence. "It's alright, you didn't know."

The doors opened once again after getting to the third floor. The two said their goodbyes before Y/n got out and started heading to room 304. Y/n thought of trying to befriend Sal, he seemed nice enough. Once he got to his room, he opened the door and sat the box on the kitchen counter, since that's where all the stuff would go, and he headed to his room to put everything away.

After he did everything he needed to do such as, making his bed, organizing his desk, and putting his clothes in his dresser and closet, then he went to the kitchen to see if everything had been put away. Everything was set up and there were no boxes in sight, so he went to the cabinets to see what food they had. There was little to nothing, so he grabbed the bread and (whatever you want) and made himself a sandwich before eating and heading to bed.

The next morning, Y/n woke up to banging on his bedroom door. He sighed and lazily got up, walking towards the door before opening it and seeing his father. "Good morning to you too, father." He greeted and leaned against the doorframe.

"Get ready, you're gonna miss your bus if you take any longer." F/n told him before stomping off to the kitchen. Y/n stood in the same place for a bit, trying to remember what he had to be going on a bus for. 'Ah shit...' He thought and started rushing to get dressed at least slightly decently and fix his hair. Afterwards he rushed out of the room and ran down the stairs before heading to the bus stop.

Once he got there, he saw someone else there. He stood a bit far from the bow and started analyzing him. He had blonde hair, olive skin, green eyes, a busted lip that had a bit of dry blood amongst it, and he was writing in a notebook. The male had noticed Y/n looking at him and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"What are you looking at, freak?" The blonde asked and shut his notebook. Y/n slightly glared and looked away without responding. "Hey faggot, are you going to answer me or not?"

Y/n stayed quiet, he wanted to insult the other male back, but he decided against it. After a bit, the blonde stood up and pushed the (shorter/taller) male, making him lose his balance. "Don't ignore me, asshole!" The blonde told him. The bus came right after, so he grabbed his notebook and bag before he ran inside. Y/n stood back up and rubbed his arm before he went inside the bus and sat in a free seat.

Have a good day/night my darlings!

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