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It was the end of the school day, Travis had just left class and was halfway to the main doors. After a couple of seconds, he had been slightly pushed and there was an arm slung around his shoulders.

"Hey Travis! Wanna hang out?" The familiar voice asked. Travis looked towards Y/n and was met with a smile.

"Uh... I guess." Travis replied, even after a year he still wasn't used to having a friend.

"Cool, wanna go to my place or yours?"

"Your place."

The two left the building and was on their way to the apartments. It was a silent walk, but a content silence. It was a bit chilly out, but still fairly warm.

Eventually they had made it to the Appointment building and up to Y/n's house. Once the two walked in, they were met with silence. Y/n was used to it, but it was odd to Travis.

"Do you want a drink or anything?" Y/n asked while gesturing to the kitchen.

"No thank you." Y/n quietly laughed after Travis had responded.

"Alright, well what do you wanna do?"

"I don't know.. what can we do?"

"We could um, just talk or listen to music if you don't feel like talking at the moment. Or there's uh, board games somewhere."

"I guess we could just listen to music."

"Alrighty, come on!"

The two walked to Y/n's room and set their things down. Y/n went over to his desk where there was a bunch of cassettes and picked them up, along with the Walkman near them.

"Here, you can pick what to listen to."

Travis looked down to the cassettes that we're now placed on the other boys bed. He walked over to them and looked at each one, all labeled with different bands. Travis chose the one that seemed most the most appealing and handed it to Y/n.

Y/n placed it in the Walkman and the first song started to play. The two sat in silence while doing their homework, occasionally asking the other for help in a problem. After a while, there was a knock in Y/n's door.

"I'll be right back." Y/n told Travis before standing up and leaving the room. After a couple of seconds, Travis heard talking and then footsteps.

Eventually, the bedroom door opened once again to reveal Larry. The two stares at each other for a few seconds before Travis put his class work away. He stood up and pushed Larry out of the way.

"Travis, dude. Where are you going?" Y/n asked after following Travis out if the apartment.

"I don't wanna be there if Larry's there." Travis mumbled and continued walking.

"I'm sorry Travis, I forgot I made plans with them last week."

"I don't give a shit!" Travis' voice raised, and he finally stopped walking. "I don't like them, they don't like me. Now leave me alone."

"I know you don't like them but you can't get mad at me for them showing up unexpectedly." Now Y/n's voice was raised slightly, but not as much as Travis'.

"Fuck you."

Travis began walking once again and finally left. Y/n sighed but didn't go after him, and he went back to his apartment. Sal and Larry were still inside, standing awkwardly next to each other, Larry staring at the door while Sal looked around.

"Hey can we uh, can we hang out some other time?" Y/n asked. The two complied and left the apartment, headed to the basement.

A bit of a time skip
And back with Travis

Travis was at his safe place, the park. He was sat on a swing, slightly moving it back and forth. Tears formed in his eyes but he quickly tried to blink them away.

'Don't cry. Men don't cry, don't be sensitive.'

But no matter how hard he tried, the tears wouldn't go away. Eventually the water went down his face. He quickly wiped the tears away, but the salty liquid kept going down.

'I am such an idiot. How the hell was that his fault? He probably doesn't want to be friends anymore. I mean, why would he? You just yelled at him for someone else showing up.

I wouldn't blame him if he-'

The sound of crunching leaves pull Travis out of his thoughts. He turns around and sees the familiar h/c haired boy walking towards him. Y/n sits down on the swing next to Travis but doesn't say a word. Travis looks down at his feet once again, not daring to look at the boy.

"Why are you here?" Travis asked in a quiet voice.

"I wanted to make sure you were alright."

Travis didn't respond, but eventually he started talking.

"Look I'm... I don't know why.. I just.."

"It's alright, you don't have to say it. I know you have trouble doing that."

"You didn't... you don't have to be here."

"Yeah I do. You're my friend, I'm always gonna be there for you whether we fight or not."

A small smile rose on Travis' face. He mumbled something Y/n hadn't quite heard.

"What'd you say?"

Travis hadn't responded, but eventually decided to speak.

"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me, dude."

Once again, there was a silence. One boy trying to think of what to say, and the other not wanting to make the crying boy speak.

"You know... you're actually pretty cool for a geek." Travis finally said and Y/n quietly laughed.

"You're pretty cool as well."

Travis looked over at Y/n for the first time in a while. The sun was slightly going down, the light hitting Y/n's features nicely. His hair flowed slightly due to the mild wind and perfectly surrounded his face. His eyes sparkled in the light, e/c brighter than ever. The light hitting his face perfectly.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" He asked, looking at Travis who had been staring at him for a couple of minutes.

"Oh uh, sure."

The two boys stood up, Travis grabbed his bag and wiped the remaining tears off his face before they began walking. It was silent, the occasional leaf crunching under their shoes. They had eventually made it to Travis' house.

"I'll see you tomorrow Trav."

"Yeah.. see you tomorrow. Um, th-anks again, by the way."

"It was my pleasure."

And then Y/n began walking home. Travis watched him walk away for a bit. Once he realized he was staring, he looked away and went inside his home.

Alright! First update in two months. Sorry I didn't write anything, I didn't have any ideas lmao

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will try to write more often

Have a good day/night darling

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