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I'm really sorry that this chapter is so short, especially because it's been over 5 months :/


Y/n sits at the bus stop drawing on his hand as he listens to the birds chirp. Today— despite it being overcast— was a fairly warm day, so the lack of a jacket was purposeful this time. It had been a few days since Travis had apologized and the two of them had started talking more. It's not much, but it's a start.

After a few boring minutes passed, he saw Travis walking towards the bus stop. Despite the lack of change in Travis' glower that he always seemed to carry, Y/n could tell he was surprised to see him. Once he got to the bench Y/n was sitting on, he awkwardly sat next to him, absentmindedly sitting as close to the arm rest as he could.

Y/n glances at him and gives him a small smile. "Hi." He says, his smile not faltering.

"Hi." Travis mutters, meeting Y/n's gaze for a moment before quickly looking away. After a moment, Travis pulls a small white box out of his pants pocket and holds it out towards Y/n.

Y/n slightly tilts his head as he takes the box. He looks down at his hand for a second before looking back up at Travis.

"What's this for?"

Travis shrugs, crossing his arms. "A better apology, I suppose."

"Oh, uh.. thanks."

He opens the box and is met with a bracelet. He pulls it out. It's clearly handmade, and quite poorly made if he was being honest with himself, but it was nice. Y/n smiles before putting it back in the box, making sure to put it in the least packed pocket in his backpack.

The bus finally arrives and as Travis puts his bag on his shoulder, his sleeve falls just enough for Y/n to notice a similar bracelet to the one he was given.


Throughout class, Travis had glanced over at Y/n a few times. The second time he had glanced over, he saw that Y/n was wearing the bracelet he had made him; which made him happier than he would like to admit.

(Boring ass paragraph, bro 🙄)


Once lunch had started, Travis had begun to drown out the noise of everyone else as he read a void he had gotten hit too long ago. After a few minutes, someone sat in front of him. He sighed with a scowl, but looked up anyway; his glare disappearing shortly after. He closed his book before looking back at Y/n.

"Hi." He said, his fingers drumming on his knee as he spoke.

Y/n smiled and replied, "Hey."

After a while, Y/n decided to start a conversation. Once he did that, they started talking to each other like they had never stopped. And as the conversation went on, they ended up on a topic Travis heavily enjoyed. (So sorry, I don't know how people are supposed to talk to each other)

"Oh! I was actually reading a book recently and it had something about Cubarus Sp— also known as Rubber Ducky Isopods." Travis began with a smile. "They're pretty rare but they're really just another type of pillbug. Apparently you can find them in Thailand and they don't have many babies but when they do they grow very slowly." (I wonder if you guys could guess what Travis' special interest is by now lmao)

As Travis spoke, Y/n simply listened with a smile. Despite not knowing too much about bugs in general, (or maybe you do idk) he held on to every word Travis said. However, not too long after he began talking, the bell rang and they had to go to their separate classes.

Once Y/n sat down in his seat, Jasper looked at him with a slight smile. "So, I see you're back on talking terms with Travis." He said.

"Uh... yeah, I am." Y/n responded. If he had to expand on his response, he would easily express how thrilled he was to be able to talk to his best friend once again.

The conversation quickly ended when class had started and at the end of the day, he saw Travis walking to the main doors. He quickly caught up just as Travis exited.

"Could I walk you home today, pretty boy?" He said as he walked beside Travis.

Travis was silent for a moment as his fingers tapped on the strap of his backpack he had a tight grip on. "Yeah.. you can." He responded, ignoring the heat that made its way up to his ears.

Once they had made it to Travis' house, they said goodbye and Travis went inside. His smile never faltered despite the unnatural silence that enveloped the house.


A/N: Man, Travis has more luck with men than I do. Might have to do something scandalous to bring his luck down a notch 🫶 anyway, I'm sorry the chapter is so short I'm not sure how to write long chapters

Rubber Ducky Isopods were actually discovered in 2017 but I don't care, I put facts about it in this chapter 'cause I just learned about them and I love them so much

I've really got to start updating this more, I literally started this three years ago. Don't worry, I'll try harder to write stuff. Have a good day/night, guys!

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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