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Warnings: Swear words, slight fighting

If you don't like science/know nothing about it: You do now

The bus had stopped on the wet pavement and once the doors opened, the teenagers went in a line until they left the bus. After Y/n got inside of the school, he looked for his locker, checking the paper he had written on so he would remember where it was and what the code was. Once he found it, he opened it and put the stuff he didn't need away. Afterwards, he closed the door and turned to the side to see Sal and someone else, two sets of lockers away.

Y/n had decided to take a chance and go up to them. The taller one of the two was looking in his locker whilst Sal was facing him. After Y/n got over to them, he stood there for a second wondering if he should actually say hi.

"Hey Sal." Y/n greeted in a soft voice after growing the courage to actually say something. Sal turned around to see him and smiled -which went unnoticed by Y/n- and waved as he spoke.

"Oh, hey Y/n!" He said back before gesturing to the long-haired brunette that wore a brown Sanity's Fall shirt who had looked at the two. "Uh, this is Larry, Larry this is Y/n."

The two greeted each other and Larry put his hand out. Despite Y/n not wanting to give a handshake, he did anyway. The three talked for a while until Y/n checked the clock on the wall.

"Oh, I better get going, my class is on the other side of the building." Y/n informed with a small laugh and they all said their goodbyes. After a bit, Y/n bumped shoulders with someone and slightly tripped.

"Watch where you're going, freak!" The other yelled. Y/n turned around to see the blonde from earlier. 'Oh, it's him.'

"I'm so very sorry, your highness." He apologized sarcastically, and the golden-haired boy finally looked at the other male.

"Ugh, it's you." The other boy muttered. He narrowed his eyes to seem more like a threat. "Listen, stay out of my way, jackass." He pushed Y/n, causing him to stumble.

"Jeez, don't get your parties in a knot." The h/c haired boy retorted and crossed his arms. The blonde glared and without hesitation, he punched Y/n and said something Y/n didn't quite catch having he had just been punched which he focused more on than what he had said.

Y/n groaned and held his cheek, which was in more pain than it had been when the other boys fist made contact. "Jesus Christ, man. He's got a short temper." He quietly said before standing up a bit straighter. Afterwards, he started making his way to class one again.

After a few classes, he made his way to the lunchroom. He didn't have time to make something for lunch nor did he have anything he could have brought, so he had to eat whatever slop the school was serving or be hungry until he got home. After he had gotten the food -which surprisingly looked decent- he had nowhere to sit.

"Hey." Y/n heard from behind him. He looked beside him since the person walked further up, and saw Sal, so he greeted the masked boy back. "Want to sit with me and my other friends?"

'He already considers me his friend?'  Y/n thought with a small smile. He agreed and followed Sal to the table they sat at. The two sat down and Y/n looked over at a table that had even less people than the one he sat at and saw the lanky boy from earlier. No one had been sitting with him, unless you counted the green haired boy who sat far away from him. Sal had introduced Y/n to the other two people he hadn't met yet and they all talked about whatever came to mind.

After a while, Sal noticed a bruise on Y/n's cheek, which had gotten fairly noticeable between that moment and when the blonde punched him. "What's up with that bruise, Y/n?" He asked, a few seconds passed without a response as he stared at Y/n who had been poking at his food. "Y/n?"

"Huh? Oh, uh, just a small fight." He responded, answering the question before Sal repeated himself.

"With whom?" Larry asked and Y/n gestured to the male from earlier. "That asshole? Ugh, I swear.." Afterwards, the group continued talking. Sal didn't seem interested in the topic, so Y/n asked who the blonde-haired male was, and Sal answered.

'Travis.. huh.'

After lunch and a few more classes, everyone headed to last period. Y/n's last period was science and so was Travis'. Y/n knew a few things about science, more than others in his class -Travis cough cough.- Y/n paid more attention in this class than his other classes and actually participated. After class ended, everyone started leaving the building, but Y/n got held back.

"Y/n, if it isn't too much trouble, would you tutor people who are failing this class?" His teacher, Mr.Garcia asked. Y/n wasn't a fan of talking to many people, much less having to tutor them, but he agreed anyway.

His teacher let him go and he started walking home. Walking was peaceful to him; it was a way to get his thoughts together and just be away from everyone for a bit. As he was walking, he saw an ice cream shop and he checked his pockets to make sure he had enough cash on him to get some. He did have enough so he got his favorite kind and began walking home again.

A few moments later he looked over and saw a church. It looked nice; it didn't look new but not old either. As nice as he thought it looked, he got a strange feeling from it, so he decided to continue walking. 'Really hope mom doesn't make me go to church with her...' He thought as he walked inside the apartment building. He got to his room and fell asleep.

Have a good day/night my loves

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