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Warnings: Swearing

It was the end of the school day and Travis already regretting the fact that he said they could do the tutoring session. As he started leaving the school, Y/n walked up to him. "Hey Trav'." Y/n greeted and kept walking with Travis. 

"Stop calling me that." Travis said, not bothering to look at Y/n. After that, the two walked to Travis' house in silence for the most part, Y/n tried to make conversation, but Travis just ignored him. Once they got to the house, Travis unlocked the door, and they went inside. Travis took my shoes off and Y/n did as well. "I'm home mother." Travis called out and they walked to the kitchen. 

His father was always at the church when he got home so he didn't worry about being loud. "Welcome home Travie, how was school? Oh, who's this?" His mother asked. 'She just had to use that nickname now?!'

"I'm Y/n, Travis' classmate." Y/n introduced himself with a smile. 

"It's nice to meet you!" Travis' mother said and continued to do the dishes. 

"You too Mrs. Phelps." Y/n said, and they walked to Travis' room. "So, Travie, what do you need help on?" Y/n asked with a laugh. 

"Shut up, bitch." Travis glared at him and pulled his homework out of his bag. "Just help me with the homework." He finished and sat on his bed. Y/n turned the homework to him so he could look at it. 

"What do you not understand?" He asked and looked at Travis. He thought for a moment and couldn't think of anything specific that he didn't understand. 

"I don't know.. just all of it I guess." He responded. Y/n nodded, and they started on the homework.

Time skip because I know nothing about science

After a while they had finally finished, and Travis actually learned something. "Alright, I should head out." Y/n said and got up. He put his stuff in his backpack and they left Travis' room. Once they went down the stairs, they both smelt pasta, they walked past the kitchen but before Y/n got to the door Travis' mother started talking. "Y/n, hon, why don't you stay for dinner." She said with a smile. 

"Oh, I'd love to, but I'd have to ask my mom and-" He got cut off when Travis' father walked out of his office, Travis didn't know he'd be home yet.

"Y/n, hey kiddo. What are you doing here?" Kenneth asked 'kindly'. 

"Oh, uh, I was just helping Travis with homework." He responded with a smile that was clearly forced. Y/n kept looking between the door and Kenneth as he talked. 

"Oh alright, tell your mother I said hi." Kenneth said and walked to the kitchen. 

"Will do! Have a goodnight Mr. Phelps and Mrs. Phelps! You too Travis." He told them with a smile and put his shoes on. He waved and then walked out the door, as soon as he left Kenneth's smile dropped. 

"You didn't tell me you invited anyone over Travis." He said plainly while slightly glaring at Travis from the table. 

"I didn't know until today, father." Travis responded, keeping his head down as he walked to the dining room table. His mother put their plates down and they said a prayer before eating in silence.

(With Y/n After he left the Phelps' house)

Y/n waved and left their house, he it was pretty fun hanging out with Travis, even though they just did homework. Though, when Mr. Phelps showed up, it bummed him out a bit. Even though he kept a friendly demeanor, Y/n could tell he wasn't very happy about something. After a bit of walking, Y/n realized he left his hoodie in Travis' room. He didn't want to go back, so he just figured he would ask Travis to give it back before break started.

Once he got home, he unlocked the door and saw his mother standing there with her arms crossed. He might have forgotten to tell her he might have been hanging out with Trav'.

"Where have you been, young man?" She asked while sending a small glare his way. 

"I uh, I was doing homework with Travis.. Mr. Phelps kid. He said hi by the way." Y/n responded, looking any way but at his mother.  She sighed and walked towards him. 

"You should have told me where you were beforehand, I was worried about you." She told Y/n and gave him a hug. He was surprised since she doesn't do that often, but it made him smile, so he hugged her back. 

"Sorry mother." He said and went to go eat dinner with her.

Time skip to the next day because...
I have no excuse this time

The next day he decided to walk to school with Larry and Sal, he's not sure why but, y'know. Once they had gotten to school, they waited in their usual spot for the others. Y/n saw Travis and went up to him, he hadn't said anything since the other two were in the middle of a conversation. "Hey Trav-" Y/n had started saying before Travis cut him off by shoving his hoodie in his face.

"Here." He said, pretty boring if you ask me. 

"Uh, thanks. See ya' later." Y/n told him and walked back to the other two, and to which he was greeted with stares. 

"Did he just give you a jacket?" Larry asked with a questionable look. 

"Yeah, I left it at his house ye-" Y/n started to respond, but only to get cut off again. 'Why does everyone keep cutting me off.

"You were at his house? Why?" Sal also questioned.

Y/n stared at them for a bit before answering. "I was tutoring him.. why do you guys care so much." He asked and raised an eyebrow. 

"We just didn't expect it." Larry answered blandly. 

"Alrighty then, we'll I gotta get going." Y/n said and waved at them before walking away to his first class. The day went by as slow as ever, and now it was lunch. Y/n sat at his usual table and talked with the others, but he kept feeling like someone was looking at him. He looked to where he felt the pair of eyes and he saw the person he met from the shop a couple days ago, he waved at them with a small smile, and they waved back.

After lunch he started to walk to his next class, only to be stopped by the person he saw at lunch. "Hey! I didn't know you went here." They said with a smile, and Y/n looked at them with a smile of his own. 

"I didn't know you went here either. Uh, I didn't catch your name." He replied, still looking at them. 

"I didn't throw it. I'm Fenix, what's your name?" They asked with a laugh. Y/n told them his name and the two kept talking until Fenix got to their class. Y/n got to his and the day went as it did usually.

Word count: 1'170

New love interest?? O-o /j Sorry if this chapter sucks, I ran out of ideas after the fourth paragraph and I didn't want it to be that short. Also, I wanted Y/n to make fun of Travis lmao. But you've got Travis and Y/n warming up to each other, and, we have a new friend for you all/ your OC's! If there's any way I could improve this, or anything wrong about it, tell me and I'll add/fix it! Have a good day/night darlings!

Edited: Spelling errors, made it all in third person point of view

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