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Y/n is leaning against a wall between the wall and a bench. His eyes are stuck at the doors many kids are going through as the halls become busier by the second. He's waiting for his blond haired friend whom he hadn't seen on their shared bus. He's starting to think Travis may be sick, but then he sees the tall boy amongst the crowd.

He smiles and lifts a hand to wave when Travis' eyes meet his own, but instead Travis averts his gaze and quickly walks in the opposite direction. Y/n's hand falters before going back to his side and his eyebrows furrow. Y/n looks to his shoes and then quickly back up before he decides to just head to class.

His classes had gone by and whenever he tried to talk to Travis, he would be met by a quick glance instead of a response. Each time he would end up with a slight frown and small pieces of eraser under his nail. Though, his disappointment didn't stop him from staring at Travis throughout each class they shared. By lunch time Y/n decided to let him be, and he sat with Sal's group instead.

As he put his tray on the table, Todd looked at him. The others noticed Y/n as he sat down and kept on with their conversation. Y/n picked at the nachos on his tray with a fork, not noticing the red-heads confused stare.

"Are you not sitting with Travis today?" He asked and Y/n looked up from his unwanted food.

"Huh?" He mumbled before realizing what Todd had asked. "Oh, no. Not today."

He then noticed Ashley's glance as she spoke up with a motherly tone. "Did something happen?"

"Nah. Just wanted to sit with you guys." He shrugged as he spoke then looked back down at his food with grimace.

Todd and Ashley shared a look but stayed quiet about the sudden schedule change. Lunch went by as usual with Y/n talking every once in a while. By the end of the school day, Y/n went off of his usual rout and went towards the park he and Travis hung out at. After a while, he heard footsteps coming towards him. He looked towards the sound and was met with slight disappointment.

"Hey, what's up?" Jasper said once he was at Y/n's side.

"Hey, Jasp."

Jaspers eyebrows knitted together as he looked at Y/n. "Are you alright?"

Y/n gave him a confused looked. "What?" He asked quietly.

"That was your 'something's wrong' voice." Y/n looked away with slightly raised eyebrows and Jasper continued speaking. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

Y/n remained quiet as they continued walking, glancing at the shorter male every once in a while. After a moment, he shrugged.

"I don't know what happened." He said in a quiet tone. "I think Travis is upset with me."

"What d'you mean?"

"He's just been ignoring me all day. Don't know what I did though."

It's quiet for a moment as Jasper thinks. "I doubt you could do anything to upset him to the point if avoidance." He finally said in a soft voice. "He's probably just overwhelmed today or something."

Y/n gave him a disbelieving yet thankful smile. "Yeah, I guess."

The two continue walking in silence. They hang out for a while until Jasper has to leave and Y/n sits alone, barely moving his swing as he thinks. Perhaps Jasper is right, Travis does have days when he needs to be alone. Though, it's never to a point where he'll completely ignore him. Even with that fact in place, he keeps him hopes up.

A sinful love Travis Phelps x readerWhere stories live. Discover now