Makin' it stinky

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Travis quickly rushed out of the classroom to catch up to Y/n, and after a few seconds Travis found him.

"Hey N/n." Travis greeted as he caught up to Y/n.

"Hey Trav'! How's the wife and kids?" Y/n said as he turned his head towards Travis.

"They're doing great. Um, anyway, do you want to hang out after school?"

"Oh uh, I'm going to be hanging out with Jasper after school, but you can join us if you'd like!"

Travis gets a bad warmth in his chest, and his breath ever so slightly deepens. After a small silence, he finally answers.

"Yeah, alright, fine."

The two make it to Y/n classroom and say their goodbyes. Travis walked to his classroom and spaces out, trapped in his own mind.

What's so good about Jasper?
I mean, he just got here a couple weeks ago, how come they hang out so much?
What if Jasper is a queer and likes Y/n?
What if Y/n likes him back?!
I can't let that happen.
What if-

"Travis!" Travis heard his history teacher yell.

His head shot up from his blank paper and his shoulders tensed.

"What?" He responded with a slightly shaken voice.

"Can you answer question 5?" The teacher said impatiently with a slight glare.

Travis looked down at the paper and read question number five.

'What document of self-government did the Pilgrims sign when they first arrived in America?'

"M- uhm, Mayflower Compact?"


(Time skip because I said so
And you can't tell me what to do)

Travis made his way to the main doors and as he grew closer, he saw Y/n and Jasper waiting for him. Once he was in front of them, the two greeted him and he only responded with a nod. They all walked to an arcade, Jasper and Y/n talking while Travis listened, every once in a while speaking.

They all walked into the arcade and Travis looked around. He's never been to an arcade before, his father never allowed him to go.

Huh, this place looks pretty cool.

They all walked around together after getting tokens, one person occasionally breaking off from the group to go to a different game. Travis stayed by Y/n's side the whole time, making sure Jasper and he didn't get too close.

They all stood by a wall to take a break and had been there for a few minutes. After a bit, Travis had noticed Jasper had gotten close enough to Y/n that their shoulders touched.

"Hey Y/n, how about we go to that game?" Travis said, pointing to 'Karate Champ' and before Y/n answered, Travis took his arm and started walking towards the game at a fast pace.

"Ahm, okay sure." Y/n responded.

They had quickly made it to the game with Jasper behind them. Jasper's eyes slightly widened and he had a wide smile on his face.

"Dude! I love this game; can I go against one of you?" Jasper asked and slightly tilted his head.

Travis opened his mouth to protest, but before he could a thought clouded his mind.

Maybe if I beat him, Y/n will think I'm better than him.

"Yeah, sure." Travis said and put a couple tokens in the machine. Jasper went to the opposite controls than Travis and they began to play.

After a couple minutes, Travis had won. His eyes immediately went over to Y/n to catch any sort of admiration but all he saw was amusement in his eyes. Y/n gave him a high-five as Jasper began to speak.

"Good job man."

Travis ignored him and checked his watch.


"Shit, I have to go. See you tomorrow Y/n!" Travis quickly left the arcade and made his way home, hoping his father hadn't gotten home early.

Alright, there's the chapter. Just fyi, Jasper won't be in too many of these chapters he's just here for plot. Also, sorry it's short, I changed how I wanted this chapter to go as I was writing it lol.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I've written a future one I think you guys will enjoy but you gotta wait lmao. Have a good day/night my stinks (^O^)💜

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