The Fine Art of Bullshit

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Travis woke up to the loud sound of his alarm. He covered his ears before taking one hand and turning the alarm off. After a few minutes, Travis sat up and stared ahead, his surroundings blurred.

'How the hell did I get here?' He thought as he got up.

Travis put on a purple dress-shirt and dress-pants before butting his hair in a ponytail and heading out of his room. As he entered his kitchen, he saw his mother by the sink and his father was nowhere to be found. His mother turned around after drying the last plate.

"Good-morning, Travis. You're up early." She said after noticing Travis looking her way.

"Good-morning, mother. What uh, what time is it?" Travis asked, tilting his head ever so slightly.

"It's five thirty." Travis hummed in acknowledgment and walked further into the kitchen. "I can start breakfast if you would like."

"Yes, please."

His mother nodded and began preparing to cook. Travis stood still for a while before deciding to head back to his room and make sure everything's in his backpack, and afterwards he takes it downstairs and by his shoes.

(Time skip till after
they eat cause who talks a
lot while they eat with their family?)

Travis washes his plate and heads to the door. He puts his shoes on, grabs his bag, and says a goodbye to his mother. Once he gets to the bus stop, he sees Y/n sitting on the bench.

"Hey, N/n." He greeted once he sat down next to Y/n.

"Hey, Trav!" Y/n looked over to the blonde. He sighed with a faint smile.

The two talked until the bus arrived.

(Another time-skip
I apologize)

The bell rang as everyone had began packing up their things. Once Travis had finished, he stood up and headed to the main doors. Once he was about half-way there, Jasper came up beside him.

"Yo!" Jasper greeted, walking slightly ahead of Travis and turning by around to face him.

"Hi?" Travis responded in an annoyed tone.

"I was just wondering, if you would be up to hanging out."


"Come on, man! I just want to get to know you, I mean, you are Y/n's best friend, and he's basically mine."

Travis stayed quiet, wondering if he should 'hang out' with Jasper.

'I suppose Y/n would want me to be friends with him.
But he seems annoying.
But also, I could see what about him Y/n likes.
But.. I'd rather hang out with Y/n.
But I think he's busy.'

"Fine." He said, crossing his arms. Jasper clapped happily, slightly jumping. "But, I'd have to ask my father. Don't get your hopes up."

"Alright! So, are you fine with meeting up at the café that's nearby?"

"I guess."

Jasper slightly bounced up and down. "Great! See you there." He ran off in the opposite direction, leaving Travis by himself.

As Travis walked into his house, he immediately regretted his decision. He walked into his living room and saw his father on the couch, reading the newspaper.

"Hello, father." He said, stopping at the doorframe.

"Hello, Travis." Kenneth replied, not looking up from the newspaper.

"May I hang out with..." he began, stopping for a moment wondering if he should say it was Jasper. "Uh, may I hang out with Y/n?"

Kenneth looked up from the paper and stared at Travis. "Yes, you may." He looked back down at the paper once again. "Be home by six."

"Yes father, thank you."

Travis put his backpack away before leaving his house. After a few minutes, he made it to the café. As soon as he walked in, he saw Jasper happily waving at him. He sat down in the seat across from Jasper, not bothering to order something.

"Hi Travis!" Jasper said, pushing a paper cup over to Travis. "I didn't know what you like, so I just got you hot chocolate. If you don't like it you can just take my coffee."

Travis stared at the smiling boy, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. "Alright... thanks." He brought the hot beverage up to his lips and took a sip.

Jasper hummed in response. "So, what kind of things do you like?"

The first thing that came to Travis' mind was something he wouldn't admit even if his life depended on it. "Bugs, mostly."

"Cool, cool. Any, anything else?"

"I guess.. uh... picnics."

"Oh, Nice! Well I like space, snakes and... oh, sometimes I do my sisters makeup and it actually pretty fun!"

Travis stared at Jasper with a blank face before eventually looking down at the cup in his hands. The two sat in silence for a while, Travis not speaking because he was uncomfortable and Jasper not speaking because he, one, didn't know what to say and two, felt he made things awkward.

Jasper took a sip of his drink and bit the inside of his cheek whilst putting the cup back down. "So.. you and Y/n?"

Travis looked back up, his eyebrows slightly scrunched together. "What about us?"

"Oh, I don't know. I mean, you seem fond of him."

Travis scoffed with a small smile. "Well, he's my best friend, why wouldn't I be?"

"No, no. I meant, you seem.. interested in him, y'know what I mean?"

What Jasper was saying finally clicked in Travis' mind. He let go of his cup with a clear frown on his face. "Ew! What the hell? I'm not 'interested' in him." He said, emphasizing 'interested' to make sure Jasper understood.

"Oh, jeez um, I.. my bad. I must've misunderstood your relationship. I'm sorry."

"I think I'm going to go." Travis said as he stood up. "And again, I'm NOT interested in him."

Travis quickly left the café, leaving Jasper on his own. Jaspers eyes were slightly widened and his eyebrows were furrowed. That was an odd reaction.

Travis kept walking home at a fast pace, his hands in his pockets.

'Why would Jasper think I'm interested in Y/n?!
I'm not a queer.
I mean, yeah, sure, he has pretty eyes and a really nice voice and a really great personality, but I'm not interested in him!
I'd never be into a guy. No matter how attr- sweet they are.'

Travis walked into his house and took his shoes off before heading to his room. As soon as he went in, he laid on his bed and stared at his ceiling as he continued thinking.

Sorry for the uneventful chapter! I promise better chapters are coming. Either way, have a great day/night, beautiful!

A sinful love Travis Phelps x readerWhere stories live. Discover now