Ghost hunting

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CW: Swearing, talk of dismemberment

A few days had passed since Y/n's conversation with Travis, and just as he suspected, they kept getting into fights at school. Even though he wants to try to become friends with Travis, he gets on Y/n's nerves, which makes that very difficult.

Everyday had been normal, but this day Larry had invited Y/n to a sleepover he and the others were going to have, and even though he wasn't a fan of those types of things, they're all his friends so it wouldn't suck. As he got his things ready for the sleepover, which just consisted of an extra thing of clothes and his journal, his father called him out into the kitchen.

Once Y/n got there, his father gave him a piece of paper, a shopping list to be more specific. "I want you to get a few things from the store before you go." F/n told him, and he sighed.

"Alright." Y/n said blandly as he walked to the door and put his shoes on. "Bye dad." He said and walked out before F/n responded. Once he got out of the building, the cool wind hit his face and he realized how cold it was. He hadn't bright his jacket but didn't feel like going back inside so he just dealt with it. Eventually he got to the store and got everything he needed, and he put everything down so the cashier could tell him how much it costed. The cashier looked pretty cool, they had pink hair, an umber skin tone, dark eyes, they had glasses and acne, and they wore a collared shirt and overalls.

Picture of them is at the top :)

"That'll be $20.68." They told Y/n while putting the last item in a bag and he handed them the money.

"I like your hair." Y/n told them with a smile. They smiled back while handing him the bag.

"Thank you! I like yours as well." They responded and he thanked them. They waved at him as he left, so he waved back. Once he got home, he put the bag on the counter and put everything away. Afterwards, it was time for him to leave, so he got his stuff and headed to Larry's. Y/n knocked on the door and heard a "Come in!" from Larry. Everyone except Maple and Chug were here since neither of them wanted to come. Y/n sat down on the floor next to Larry as they were talking.

After a while of doing the usual things, Sal got an idea of what to do. "You guys want to go ghost hunting?" He asked. The room filled with "Sure'" and "Yeah'." Y/n was pretty confused, but he agreed to go either way. they all got up and Sal walked to his bag, he took out a Gear Boy.

Y/n followed them to wherever they walked, and they ended up going to an abandoned store. As they walked in, Y/n felt like there was someone watching them from behind, he turned around and no one was there. Todd turned his flashlight on so they could see and there was dust everywhere.

⚠️Descriptive part of a ghost's
body part not being attached + other gore ⚠️

As they looked around, the store seemed to have a lot of old food and drinks. They walked around aimlessly until Sal's Gear Boy lit up, called out and a ghost came up, they were facing away from them, so they couldn't see the ghosts' face. "Hello?" Larry said.

The ghost stood there silently and eventually turned around to face them. The ghost's jaw had been disconnected and left hanging, not fully attached to the top half of their face. Their skin had burn scars on the left side of their face and blood coming out of their eyes.

It was disturbing to say the least, though Y/n did feel bad for them. They clenched their fists and began to run towards the group, they all ran and eventually they all lost each other. Y/n didn't see the ghost anywhere, so he began to look for one or more of the others.

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