Liquor? I hardly know her

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Travis was lying on his bed, reading a book. It had been about an hour since he had begun reading, when he heard a knock on his bedroom door. He put a folded-up piece of paper in between the pages and went to open the door. Once he opened the door, he saw Y/n standing in-front of him.

"Uh, hey man. What're you doing here, the sun's about to set." He asked, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"Hey Trav! I just-" Y/n began before cutting himself off abruptly. He slightly moved Travis' head to the side. "Is that a ponytail?"

Travis moved his head away from Y/n's hand and quickly took the hair band from his hair.

"Why'd you take it out? It was cute." Y/n said. Travis felt his cheeks and ears slightly heat up, and he looked down at his feet. "Anyway, I was just thinking we could have a picnic!"

"Oh. Yeah, sure sounds cool."

Y/n lightly grabbed Travis' wrist and led them to the front door. Once they got there, Y/n told Travis to put his shoes on and they left. They had finally made it to the stop (it hadn't been too far since it was just at a field nearby) and Travis saw a blue blanket under a small bag.

They both sat down and Y/n got out the food, drinks, and a camera.

"I was thinking we could maybe take pictures together once the sun starts to set." Y/n said after he put the camera down. "If that's alright with you, of course."

"Yeah, that sounds nice." Travis replied with a small smile.

"So," Y/n said after taking a bite of his sandwich (or something else idk). "How's your day been?"

Travis looked down at the star-shaped bologna and cheese sandwich that sat in-front of him. He hadn't done anything different that day, so it had been like always.

"It's been fine. How's yours been?" Travis finally picked the sandwich up and took a bite. The sandwich had tasted different from the ones he had at school, but he couldn't quite tell what made it different.

"It's been alright, same as always."

"You haven't uh, haven't seen Jasper?"

"Nah, I've actually been planning this picnic all day. Oh, did you know..."

Travis spaced out as a warm feeling spread throughout his chest. A smile formed on his face as he thought more and more. A hand waved in front of his face, making him blink a couple times.

"Earth to Travis! You alright there, mate?"

"Oh, um. Yeah, I'm fine. What were you saying?"

"Nothing important, just something about the stars."

The two sat in a peaceful silence, taking small bites of their food every once in a while. The two snuck glances at each-other whenever they thought the other wasn't looking. After a couple of minutes, the sun had started to set.

"Trav, dude," Y/n lightly hit Travis' knee to get his attention. "The sun's setting, can we take pictures now?"

Travis focused on the sky. Beautiful pinks and purples throughout the sky reminded him of candy-floss. He focused back on the boy in front of him and saw a spark in his eye.

"Yeah, of course."

Y/n grabbed the camera and made sure everything was exactly how it should be before he sat directly next to Travis. He put the camera up a bit out so he could get the both of them in the shot and placed his head on Travis' shoulder. Travis struggled for a moment, trying to figure out where to put his arms, before deciding on putting one arm lightly around Y/n's waist, not completely sure if he'd be comfortable with him doing that.

"Ready?" Y/n asked, looking up at Travis as much as he could without moving.

Travis nodded his head with a hum of confirmation. Y/n pressed the shutter button, and the flash went off, blinding the pair for a moment. Y/n brought the camera closer to him and eventually showed Travis the photo. Travis, Y/n, and the sky were all visible. Travis and Y/n's eyes had gone red from the flash, and the two had noticeable smiles on their faces.

The two had gone back to eating, and at one point Y/n took a photo of Travis when he had gotten distracted by a Pill Bug that had ended up on their blanket. After the two had finished eating, the sun had fully gone down, and the stars were out. After they put away their stuff, they laid down close to one another, Travis' head resting on Y/n's chest.

"There's The Little Dipper." Y/n pointed towards stars in the sky.

Travis tried to follow where Y/n was pointing, and eventually figured it out. The two continued to point out any constellations they could find, eventually going on to a new topic.

"You seemed to enjoy having that Pill Bug around, what's your favorite kind of bug?" Y/n asked as he began running his fingers through Travis' hair.

"I guess... leaf insects are my favorites. Sometimes, because they look so much like leaves, they mistake each other for leaves and bite each other."

Y/n let out a hum of acknowledgment as a small smile formed on his face. Travis continued to talk about leaf insects until he eventually fell asleep, comforted by Y/n's presence.


Travis with a mullet supremacy! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, sorry if it's a bit boring it's mostly a filler chapter. Also, side note, I was going to make Travis' favorite bug a moth but then I remembered I said he was scared of them in a previous chapter lmao.

Have a good day/night, gorgeous!

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