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Y/i = Your initial

Y/n was at his desk, staring out the window as he saw the snow fall. After a while he looked back at the paper that was filled with messy writing of ideas of things he could get Travis for Christmas. Y/n stared at the paper for a bit before picking one of the options. He put on the jacket he 'stole' from Travis, grabbed his money, and started heading to the mall that was near the apartment building.

He went into a few stores he thought would have the item before finding it. He picked up the package, got some games and some wrapping paper and started heading to the checkout. He put the items and payed before leaving to go wrap the presents. When he got back in his room, he set the games and Gear-Boy down on his desk. He knew Travis wan't allowed to have one, but he knows Travis always plays on his or Sal's.

A day had passed and it was now Christmas. Y/n got ready and went to meet Travis at the park like they had planned. He sat there for a while before Travis arrived and sat next to him. Y/n smiled at him before giving him the presents. "Marry Christmas!" Y/n said as he handed Travis the gifts.

Travis stared at the bright red wrapping then looked back at Y/n. "You didn't have to get me anything." He told Y/n. Travis gave Y/n a small box that had been wrapped in f/c wrapping paper. "I mean, I only got you this..."

"I wanted to get you something, doofus. Now open them!" Y/n ordered and slightly nudged him. Travis opened the bigger package and looked at Y/n once again.

"A gear-boy? You- you didn't have to get me this." Travis said and put the wrapping paper in his pocket. Y/n told him to open the other one so he did. After he did, he slightly smiled before putting his head on Y/n's shoulder. "Thank you, darling. Now open your gift."

Y/n unwrapped the small box before opening it. Once he did, he saw a handmade bracelet that had the couple's initials on it. 'T+[Y/i]' and it had both of their favorite colours. Y/n put it on, held Travis' hand, placed his head on Travis'. The two sat there until they both had to go home.

Sorry this probably sucks but I don't know how to write anything romantic, or even fluff. I'm an angst kinda fella :) but anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's not part of the actual story (yet) Also, I forgot to post this on Christmas so Marry late Christmas guys! And if you don't celebrate that, happy late holidays! Have a good day/night my loves <3

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