Maybe we can be friends

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Warnings: Swear words, joking threats

Y/n was in his room listening to music on his Walkman. It was the weekend, so he didn't have to worry about homework or anything like that. He and Travis had gotten along better since the day Y/n went to his house, but they still didn't consider each other friends, more like.. acquaintances.

Y/n was bored, but he didn't want to bother his friends since they usually had plans and such. After a while, Y/n heard s knock on his door, he didn't really want to get it, but his parents were at work. He got up and answered the door, it was Sally who had knocked.

"Hey, Sal. What's up?" He said while looking at the blue haired boy.

"Hey, N/n. I was just wondering if you've seen any ghosts around the building." He replied, asking the same question he's asked the other people he's seen. Y/n thought for a bit before he answered.

"Y'know, now that you mentioned it, I might have." He answered while leaning on the doorframe.

"Really? What did it look like?" Sal asked, bobbing his head as he normally did while talking.

"It was like... a shadow.. kind of, and it had red eyes." Y/n replied, and Sal furrowed his eyebrows, though, Y/n couldn't see that.

"Wait, really? Me and Larry have seen that as well." Sal said quickly and Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"Huh.." He said, calmer than Sal expected.

"Yeah, uh well, I'm gonna go ask the neighbors if they've seen a ghost. See ya' N/n." Sal said and left.

"Bye Sally Face." Y/n replied and closed his door once again. That whole conversation confused him, but he just went back to what he was doing before. But just as he sat down, there was another knock at his door. He sighed and got up to answer it, and when he opened the door, he saw Travis. "What are you doing here?" He asked, slightly puzzled about why he would show up.

"My father's making me hang out with you while your mother and him discuss church plans." He answered blandly. Y/n stood there for a bit before speaking.

"Alright.. do you wanna come in or go somewhere?" Y/n questioned. He didn't show it, but he was quite happy Travis showed up. He was bored, and him and Travis hanging out was something to do.

"I guess we can go to a park or something." Travis answered, he chose a park because it was the most peaceful to him.

"Alright, let me get my shoes on and we can go." Y/n said. He got his shoes on and they left to go to the park Travis wanted to go to. After a while of walking, they made it. They went to the swings and sat for a while without talking. "I forgot my jacket." Y/n muttered after he realized how cold it actually was.

Travis looked at him from the corner of his eye. "You always forget your jacket, dumbass." He stated, more jokingly than he made it seem. A few minutes of Y/n complaining, Travis got annoyed. "Oh my god, shut up." He said and took his jacket off, giving it to Y/n. Y/n stared at him for a bit and then smirked after putting the jacket on.

"How romantic of you Trav'." He teased. Travis glared and got slightly flustered.

"Jesus christ, give me my jacket back, I'm leaving you here." He grumbled while standing up quickly.

A sinful love Travis Phelps x readerWhere stories live. Discover now