Hanging out

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Warnings: Swear words

It has been about a year since Y/n and Travis had hung out that one weekend. Travis thought about asking to be friends, but he has his doubts, so he hasn't asked. He hasn't talked to Y/n much unless it was at church or when his mother made him go to dinners she and Kenneth had planned. Travis doubted that Y/n would want to talk though, Travis is pretty mean to his friends and him when he sees them at school. Travis tried to apologize but they get on his nerves and it's just hard for him to say a simple 'sorry'. It's not that he hates them but.. you know.

It was the end of fourth period, so Travis got his stuff and left class. He was headed to fifth period, which was math. He was about halfway here when he bumped into someone, it was Y/n's friend, Fenix. "Oh, sorry." They said after turning to look at him. 

"Watch where you're going, asshole." Travis scoffed and continued walking. he made it to class and sat down. After math class, it was lunch time. As he walked in line to get the school's lunch. he got my food and sat down.

After a bit, he saw Y/n sit in front of him. "Hey Trav'." He greeted and Travis frowned. 

"Stop calling me that." He said whilst frowning. 

"Sorry, sorry." Y/n responded with a chuckle. "How's life goin'?" He asked and took a bite of his food. 'What kind of question is that?' 

"Fine?" Travis answered and then they continued to talk until the end of lunch. The rest of school went by as usual, and Travis decided to walk home. He's glad it's Friday. After he went to the kitchen expecting to see his mother, he saw Kenneth instead. He was writing something, and when he heard Travis, he looked up. 

"Hello, Travis.' He said and continued writing. "Hello father." Travis responded and started going to his room.

"Wait." Travis heard Kenneth begin. "I want you to take this and memorize this welcome speech, you'll be giving it at church on Sunday." He told Travis and looked at him once again. 

"Okay sir." Travis complied and took the notes. He went to his room and started reading the notes, after a while he fell asleep at his desk. The next day he woke up to someone knocking on his door. "Come in." He said, knowing it was his mother because his father just barges in. 

"Your friends are here to see you." She told him after opening the door. He gave her a confused look, and she left the room and closed the door.

Travis changed out of what he was wearing the day before and went downstairs. He went to the kitchen to see Y/n and Fenix talking to his mother. 'Wait.. why's Fenix here?'  "Hey Trav'!" Y/n greeted after noticing him. 

"Uh... hi." Travis greeted back. 

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with Fenix and I, do you?" Y/n asked after coming up to Travis. If it was just Y/n it would be fine, but he didn't want to hang out with Fenix. Though, he knows mother would make him go either way. 

"Sure." He answered and they all left.

Travis just followed them wherever they went, Fenix would sometimes try to talk to him, but he wouldn't answer. They ended up going to a mall, after a while Fenix pulled Y/n to the side and told him something. It was pretty hard to hear but Travis did hear them. "I don't think Travis likes me." Fenix said to Y/n. 

"He just needs to get to know you a bit more, it took a while for us to become friends, and even if he doesn't end up liking you in the way you want it'll be fine, right?" Y/n told them and Fenix nodded. They both walked back over to Travis. 'Fenix wants to be my friend? Wait, Y/n considers us friends?' Travis smiled and continued following them.

After a bit they stopped somewhere to eat, and Y/n went to order their food. "So... what do you do in your free time?" Fenix asked Travis. 'I guess it wouldn't hurt to answer.' 

"I don't know.. I guess I take walks." Travis answered and looked towards Y/n to see if he had gotten their food. After a few questions from Fenix, Y/n came back and they ate. They all hung out a bit more before Travis went home.

After Travis left, Fenix and Y/n went to a park and sat on the swings. "So, did he talk to you?" Y/n asked Fenix and they smiled. 

"Mhm! Though, he didn't start any of the conversations." They responded. 

"He will eventually Fenix. Why'd you want to meet him anyway?" Y/n looked at Fenix who was swinging. 

"We bumped into each other in the halls in school and I thought he was cute." Fenix answered. They talked for a while before they both went home. When Y/n got home, he went to his room and listened to music before he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, he woke up to someone knocking on his door, he got up and opened the door to see his mother. "Yeah?" He said and rubbed his eyes. 

"Get ready, we have to go to church." M/n told him and walked into the kitchen and started making breakfast. Y/n closed his door and got ready, afterwards he ate breakfast and they left for church. 

"Why do I have to go today?" Y/n asked M/n while she was driving. 

"Because I want you to." She responded blandly.

They got to the church and got out of the car and went inside. No one but them, Kenneth, and Travis were there, Y/n assumed his mother had them get there earlier than everyone else. Y/n saw Travis sitting down in the front, it looked like he was reading something. Kenneth came out of the back of the church and went up to Travis and smacked him on the back of the head. "Stop slouching, boy." He scolded and Travis sat up. "Sorry father."

M/n and Y/n went up to them to greet them. "Hello Kenneth." M/n said with a smile and Kenneth greeted her back. They went to the back of the church to discuss something, and Y/n looked at Travis. 

"You alright? That looked like it hurt." Y/n asked and Travis looked up slightly. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." He mumbled and kept reading his notes. Y/n looked at the notes and saw they were for the welcoming speech. After a while people started coming in the church and Kenneth and M/n came out of the back. Y/n and his mother sat down and church had begun.

"Good morning and welcome to Phelps Industry. My name's Travis Phelps and if you're visiting us for the first time here, thank you for coming. It's great to have you with us." He started, slightly stuttering. After Travis finished the welcoming speech, Kenneth started talking about church things. Afterwards, everyone started to leave, and M/n made Y/n stay behind with her, so, he went up to Travis.

"Hey, pretty boy. You did great with the welcome speech." He told him with a smile. Travis looked up and smiled, he felt heat rise up to his cheeks and ears. 

"Don't call me that, and thank you." Travis thanked. They talked for a while, Y/n every once in a while, teasing him and Travis telling him to stop.

Word count: 1,260

I was going to make this chapter longer, but I ran out of ideas. The picrew I used is by the user hane (I think, if you look it up it'll show up!) Don't forget to drink water and have a great day/night loves! (*^▽^*)

Edited: Spelling errors, made all third person point of view

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