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Travis entered his house and took his shoes off after making sure the door was properly locked. The house was quiet; it was always quiet but something seemed different. All he heard was the ticking of the grandfather clock Kenneth kept in the hallway. He walked further into the house and expected to see his mother in the kitchen or living room but was met with nothing.

He furrowed his eyebrows slightly and went over to the master-bedroom before softly knocking. "Mom?" He asked with a soft voice. He paused for a moment before hesitantly putting his hand on the doorknob. He wasn't supposed to go into his parents room but he wanted to make sure his mother was alright. "Are you there?"

When the door opened he didn't see his mother. The room was a bit of a mess, nothing like what he had expected. He thought it would be clean, much cleaner than his own room. He stared into the room for a moment before slowly closing the door. Perhaps she went out to run some errands.

He went to his room and started getting his homework out- he could just talk to his mom later. He skimmed through the science work before deciding he'd do that last. He told Y/n that his tutoring had helped him out a lot but that was merely a lie; he just didn't want to make someone help him with something that should be so easy. He grabbed his history notebook and got to work.

After a few hours, he heard the door open and close- a lot more harsh than his mother would use so he knew his father was home. Travis left his room and went to the living room to greet the man. Kenneth merely gave him a half-assed wave and focused going through the mail.

"Uhm.." Travis started. Kenneth glanced his way for a second before going back to the mail. "Where's mom?" He asked. The man paused what he was doing for a moment.

"She's out, don't worry about her." He said and dropped the month-old envelopes on the coffee table. "You're making dinner so get a hurry on." He walked into the messy bedroom and promptly closed the door.

Travis sighed and went to the kitchen to look for one of his mother's cookbooks. He skimmed through the pages to look for the most decent sounding one then got to work.


When Travis went downstairs to say goodbye to his parents before leaving, he was met with only his father. He bit the inside of his cheek before putting his shoes on and mumbling out a farewell to the man. He didn't see Y/n at the bus stop. He hasn't seen them there for the last few days. He'll just have to wait until lunch to apologize. It's probably better that way anyway, he'll be able to rehearse it more.

Classes go by far too slowly for Travis' liking. Throughout a few of the classes he has with Y/n, he's caught some of the other boys' glances. Once lunch rolls around, Travis skips the lunch line and works up his nerves to go up to Y/n's table. Larry and Chug (being the only other two at the table at the moment) look behind Y/n, causing the boy to look back as well.

"Can I.." He locks eyes with Larry's glare for a moment, causing him to lose what little confidence he had built up. He quickly looked back at Y/n. "Can I speak to you for a moment?"

Y/n's eyebrows slightly raise before he nods and stands up. The two walk out into the school hallway where they can get some form of privacy. He patiently waits until Travis finally speaks.

"I'm-" He cuts himself off with a sigh. "I apologize for ignoring you and.. you know, making you feel bad and stuff." He mumbles just loud enough for him to hear.

There's a long silence before he gets a response. "It's fine I guess." He says awkwardly.

"I understand if you don't wanna hang out or anything anymore. It was... shitty of me to do that. I just-" He cuts himself off. He cannot afford to tell his only friend why he'd been ignoring him.

A sinful love Travis Phelps x readerWhere stories live. Discover now