Hey, Mr. No-Name-Kid

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Noise filled the room, groups talking on one end of the other. Outside the school, rain poured down, harshly hitting the windows. The usual cliques talking about their usuals, the popular ones with gossip, the stoners either talking about music or are too high to keep track with a conversation, and so on. Travis and Y/n sat in the back, not bringing attention to themselves as they talked.

"And that's why, I fear dolphins." Y/n concluded his 'short' presentation to Travis. Travis stared at Y/n in silence for a moment until he began cackling, some groups of people looking their way before ignoring them once more.

"That was the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Out of everything, you're afraid of dolphins?!"

"Don't act like you aren't scared of moths."

"You know what, you-" Travis was cut off as the teacher began speaking. Before the couple (wink wonk /j) listened to her, Travis glared at Y/n and he silently laughed.

"-ave a new student, Jasper could you come up here and introduce yourself?" After Ms. Lee finished, a boy that sat directly behind Y/n stood up and went to the front of the class.

He had black hair, two different colored eyes -one green and one brown-, some patches of his skin were lighter than the rest (vitiligo, for those who don't know what it's called), and he was wearing a yellow hoodie. (The picture should be at the top but y'know.)

"Hello, my name is Jasper Baker, I just moved here from London and uh yeah." After Jasper finished talking, he walked back to his seat and sat down. 

The teacher began going on some rant about Shakespeare and Y/n wrote on a small, piece of paper he tore off the corner of his lined paper. 'Hey, new kid! What's up?' And afterwards, he 'sneakily' passed the paper to Jasper. Y/n began doing whatever he does as he waited for Jasper to five him the note back, and eventually he got it back. 'Hello! Nothing really, I guess. What's your name??'  And through the class, Y/n and Jasper passed notes to each other until class ended.

After Y/n finished putting his stuff away, he and Travis began walking to their next classes and eventually Travis had to branch off and go to his math class. Before Y/n began walking to his class after saying bye to Travis, he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Jasper.

"Oh, hey Jasper! Do you need something?" He asked whilst looking a bit down to make eye contact with Jasper (Idc how tall you are, Jasper is still shorter than you)

"Hey, uh, I was wondering if you'd show me around the school? You don't have to if you don't want to but-" Y/n cut him off before he could go on a full tangent about how he doesn't have to show him around.

"Yeah, of course I can!" Jasper slightly smiled and held on to one of the blue backpack straps that rested on his shoulders.

"Thanks, man!"

Y/n and Jasper walked around the school which took a while so the two had missed some classes but, they didn't give a fuck. And finally, Y/n showed Jasper the gymnasium and it was almost lunch time (because I said so) and after Y/n finished talking, he turned to Jasper.

"Hey, you wanna sit with me and my friend Travis at lunch?"

"Yeah, sure!"

Time skip because I suck (hehe)
at conversation

Jasper looked around at every table, looking for Y/n as he held his lunch tray. Finally, he saw the familiar face and began walking towards him. After he sat down, Y/n and Travis looked at him -Y/n smiling and Travis frowning-. Y/n and Jasper talked throughout lunch, Travis every once in a while adding input, until the bell rang and they had to go to class.

Travis and Y/n walked to their class together, Y/n trying to talk while Travis only gives him short responses, and once they sat down in their seats that were near each-other, Y/n began talking once again.

"Trav', dude, babe, bro, what's wrong?" Travis slightly glared at him in a 'are you serious?' way.

"You invited the new kid to sit with us without even telling me."

"Travis, due. I'm sorry, I thought you would've been fine with it."

"Of course I wouldn't have been fine with it!"

"Alright, okay, I'm sorry. Can I do anything to make it up to you?" It went silent for a moment -excluding the chatter of other students- until Travis thought of what he wanted.

"Buy me candy." Y/n chuckled with a lopsided smile.

"Alright, I'll get you candy after school." He stuck his hand out, waiting for Travis to reciprocate. Travis stares at the others hand, looking at the (chipped nail polish, birthmark, freckles, whatever) and after a bit, he shook his hand.

Another time skip because
Gary The Snail told me to

The two walked to the nearby 7-Eleven while they talked about stuff -specifically Y/n making fun of Travis for being scared of moths and flies-. Once they made it, Y/n followed Travis around as he picked up multiple things of candy. Once he was done getting his earnings, they started walking to the register. They waited behind a short ass dude with a yellow hoodie, and once he turned around, he saw Travis and Y/n.

"Oh, hey Y/n, Travis!" Jasper greeted with a large smile, his braces showing.

"Hey Jasper! Fancy seeing you here." Y/n responded, the two continued conversing and Travis tuned them out. The only he knew that was going on in the moment, was that he was annoyed, a little too annoyed. Travis only started listening to them once again when he heard Jasper offering to pay for the candy.

"Oh, no you don't have to, but thanks anyway!" Y/n said back.

"Alright. Well, I have to go, see you guys at school!" As Jasper walked away, Travis felt relieved. Y/n said goodbye, and then they put the sweets on the counter, leaving the cashier annoyed.

The two left the store and talked until they got to Travis' house. Once Y/n left, Travis went to his room thinking about why he was so annoyed earlier that day.

Sorry if this sucks, I finished writing this at like, 4:00 AM lmao. And if you don't want to look back at the top to see who made the picrew, it was made by moedxlly
Also, I got a binder!! Lol that's all, sorry

Have a good day/night, my sunshines!

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