Dinner and Sin

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Travis' breath was even as he leaned against the wall, a soft mattress lowering under his weight. Robert Smith's voice sang softly in the background, and he could hear two sets of breathing. He felt an almost unnoticeable weight on his leg.

The bed shifted slightly, and he felt a weight on his shoulder. A warm feeling spread throughout his chest as he rested his head on the other's. He grabbed the hand that was rested in between his and the other person's legs.

"Hey, Travis..." He heard the boy next to him say with a voice as sweet as honey.

After a moment of silence, he remembered he needed to respond. "Yeah?"

The boy started to lift his head, making Travis lift his as well. He looked into the boy's eyes, the light reflecting off of the hypnotising shade of e/c.

"I'm really happy you're here with me, you know that right?"

Heat rose to Travis' neck and ears as a giddy smile formed across his face. "I'm happy you're here too."

Y/n sat up and fully faced Travis. He rested his hand gently on the back of Travis' neck and started leaning forward. Travis started leaning in and...

Travis quickly opened his eyes, his alarm blaring and his heart racing. He sat up and clutched his sheets, trying to ground himself. He shut the alarm off and brought his hands to his eyes.

"What... the hell was that."


Travis sat on the bench, and for the first time in a long while, he hoped Y/n wouldn't come to school that day. He couldn't get his mind off of his disgusting, sinful dream. As time passed, he grew more and more anxious.

He tried to focus on his uncomfortably bright worn-down shoes, and just as he started to calm down, he felt a presence near him.

"Hey Trav!" He heard that same sickly-sweet voice he hasn't been able to get his mind off of for the past hour.

"Hey." He mumbled after a long pause.

"Are you alright? You look nervous." Y/n laughed. The kind of laugh that is clear they're trying to lighten the mood, but it just makes everything worse.

"I'm fine. I just didn't get a lot of sleep."

"Oh... alright." The two boys sat silently. Travis stared at the ground and Y/n focused on a loose thread on Travis' dull jeans. "Dinner tonight will be pretty cool. We can like.. hang out longer than we usually can."

"Yeah." Travis bites the inside of his cheek. "That'll be cool."


Throughout the day. Travis tried to keep his mind off of Y/n. He focused more in class than he had in the last three years, he tried to list his favourite school meals from favourite to least favourite (he ended up only being able to add bologna to the list), and he even listened to what Jasper was saying to him. But even the smallest thing reminded him of Y/n and that stupid dream. All he knew at that moment was that he was going to repent when he got home.

It was now lunch time and Travis was picking at the skin around his fingernails. The noise all around him was much too loud for his liking. Every conversation and step someone took made him angry. The faint buzzing of the lights and every time a lunch lady set a tray down just a little too loud made him want to bash his head into the table just so he wouldn't have to hear it. Hell, even the clothes on his back felt like tons of little needles on his skin. He thought if he said even a single word, he would end up sobbing.

Y/n sat down across from him as usual. "Hey Trav, how's it going?" Travis dug his nails into the palm of his hand before giving Y/n a thumbs up. The two of them sat in silence for the remainder of lunch.


As Travis walked to the main doors, Y/n walked next to him. "Hey. You wanna walk home today, just you and me. I know how loud the bus can get."

Travis shook his head immediately. "No. I just.. want to be alone right now."

"Alright. I'll see you later, man."

Travis walked home as fast as he could. He just wanted to lay in his bed and sleep for the rest of eternity. As he walked, he could feel the heat of the sun on his back. The warmth slowly calmed him down. Once he got home, he set his shoes by the door and went to the living room to greet his father.

"Make sure to clean your room and get changed before the guests arrive." Kenneth said, not quite paying attention to his son.

"Yes, sir." Travis went to his room and set his backpack in his closet. His room was practically spotless besides the small amount of dust that lay upon his desk. He kneeled beside his desk after grabbing the rosary that hung on his bedframe. He held the rosary lightly between his hands and he began to whisper his prayers.

Don't mind all these
time skips, I have
serious writer's block rn

There was a firm knock on the door and Travis answered it upon his father's request. He immediately saw Mr. and Mrs. L/n, and behind them was Y/n in formal attire. Travis greeted the three and let them inside. The four of them and Kenneth sat down in the respected seats as Travis' mother brought the food to the table. As the dinner went on, Travis and Y/n were silent throughout most of the dinner. Afterwards, Kenneth ordered the boys to go up to Travis' room as he and M/n discussed plans.

Y/n sat on Travis' bed as Travis stood a few feet away from it. Y/n fidgeted with the thin blanket underneath him. He looked up at Travis with a worried look.

"You alright, man? You've been kinda out of it today."

Travis focused on the rosary that hung behind Y/n. "I-" He wiped his clammy hands on his dress pants. "I'm fine. Like I said, I just didn't get a lot of sleep."

Y/n stared at him for a few moments before letting it go. For the rest of the night, he and Travis talked about whatever came to mind until Y/n had to leave.

I want to shrink Travis into a miniature size and carry him in my pocket like SpongeBob did when he shrunk Squidward.

Sorry this chapter is really split up unlike other chapters:/ either way, have a nice day/night, gentlemen

A sinful love Travis Phelps x readerWhere stories live. Discover now