A Not So Happy Birthday

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Warning: F-slur, Homophobia, body-shamming, fighting, and physical violence

"Come on, guys!" Y/n was rocking back and forth on his feet. He had been trying to convince his friends to help him set up for a party. "I know he isn't the nicest to you, but I just want him to see you don't really hate him! And plus, I really nee-"

"I actually do hate him." Larry said with his arms crossed.

"I do as well." Ashley said right after.

Y/n stared at the two in silence. He slightly clinched his jaw, trying to not let his anger get the best of him. He took a deep breath before speaking once again.

"Look, hate is a strong word. And I know he makes it seem like it, but I think- scratch that, I know he doesn't hate you guys. He's just lonely and has anger issues."

"Y/n that-"

"I know that it's not an excuse, Todd. I'm just asking you to cut him some slack, not completely forgive him. I just want him to have a nice birthday."

The room was silent. Larry and Ashley were looking at each other, clearly not wanting to help. Sal's eyes were slightly squinted, so Y/n assumed he was smiling. And Todd had his usual straight face (the only thing straight about him if you ya' know what I mean.)

"I suppose I can take some time out of my day." Todd interjected.

Sal spoke right after. "I'll help decorate too, Y/n."

Sal looked at Ash and Larry expectedly as Y/n smiled the biggest smile they've seen (without Travis being by him, of course.) Ash and Larry reluctantly agreed, small frowns on their faces.


The group was at Travis' favorite park, the one he and Y/n had first hung out at. Larry was blowing up balloons and tying them to the run-down playground equipment, Ashley was at her house baking a cake, Sal was putting F/C and purple ribbons everywhere, Todd was getting the food (which consisted of pre-warmed grilled cheese, glazed and chocolate donuts, and chips. Along with some pop), and Y/n was setting up the nearby picnic table, putting the presents he got close-by, and finishing off one of the cheesy notes he wrote.

After everything was done, Y/n ran to Travis' house. He knocked on the door at a rapped pace and after a few seconds Mrs. Phelps opened the door.

"Oh, good afternoon Y/n!"

"Hello Mrs. Phelps! Can Travis hang out today?"

There was a small silence before the woman spoke again. "Um.. today really isn't the best day. Travis isn't feeling well."

"Oh. Is he.. is he sick?"

"Uhm...." She clicked her tongue. "Yeah. He's- he's sick. Very sick."

Y/n's eyebrows slightly furrowed as a frown came across his face. "Has he gotten the flu? May I come in and see him?"

Mrs. Phelps pushed the door further closed. "No! He's not- he doesn't want any visitors right now." Her voice softened once she realized he raised her voice.

"Oh..." Y/n bit his lip and looked down at his shoes for a moment. "Well, have a nice day Mrs. Phelps. Tell Travis I hope he gets well soon, please."

Y/n walked away, hearing the door close once he went down the steps. After he got about halfway to the park, it had started drizzling.

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