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Warnings: Swearing

It's been a few days since Y/n, Travis, and Fenix have hung out and every day at lunch Fenix sits with Travis. The two have talked more but only during school, it is now Wednesday and lunch time. Fenix pulled Y/n away from his table and out into the hallway. "Hey Y/n, can you uh, ask Travis if he can hang out with us today?" They asked him with a hopeful smile.

"Sorry Fenix, I can't hang out today. I promised to hang out with my other friends. Why don't you ask him if he can hang out with you?" He responded and began walking back into the lunchroom.

"Wait! Can you ask him for me?" They begged and held Y/n's wrist. Y/n sighed, "Fine." They walked back into the lunchroom and towards Travis.

"Hey Trav', Fenix was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school." Y/n told him. Fenix slightly glared at Y/n because of the nickname he had given Travis.

"Uh.. I guess." He responded, not exactly wanting it to just be him and Fenix. Fenix smiled in response and Y/n nodded.

"Alright, I'll talk to you guys later." Y/n said and walked back to his table.

"So, what would you want to do after school?" Fenix asked him. "..I don't know."

"Well maybe we could go to the fair that's open this week." Fenix suggested.

"Okay. Is Y/n gonna be there or..." Travis asked and took a bite of his food. Fenix sighed with a frown.

"No, he's busy." They mumbled and played with their food.

"Oh, alright." After a bit, the bell rang, and everyone went to class. After school ended, Travis left his classroom and saw Fenix waiting for him.

"Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to meet at the fair or would you want me to go to your place and we could walk together?" Fenix questioned as they were walking to the school doors.

"Um.. We can meet at the fair." He told them and started walking to his bus.

"Alright! See you at 5?" They said.

"Yeah." Travis responded and got onto his bus.

"Okay! See you later Trav'!"

Travis furrowed his eyebrows at the nickname and sat in his usual seat. A few minutes later, Y/n came on the bus and sat next to Travis. "Hey Trav'." Y/n greeted and sat his backpack on his lap.

"Hey N/n." Travis greeted back.

"Don't call me that." Y/n stated with a playful glare.

"I'm gonna keep calling you that until you stop calling me 'Trav'" He told Y/n and smiled.

"Fine, pretty boy." Y/n teased, and Travis' cheeks flushed a dark red.'That's the second time that has happened when he called me that... Wait. No. I'm probably just getting a cold, it's just a coincidence that it's happened when he called me that.' Travis thought with a small frown on his face. "Woah, you alright there? Your face is pretty red, dude." Y/n told him with his eyebrows slightly raised.

"What? Oh, uh, yeah I'm fine." Travis stuttered and looked out the window. "If ya' say so." After a while, the bus stopped at Travis and Y/n's bus stop, and they got off. They talked for a bit until they got to Addison Apartments and Y/n went inside. Travis walked the rest of the way to his house and took off his shoes once he went inside.

He went to the living room to see his mother reading. "Hello mother." He greeted and sat down on the couch that was by the chair his mother was sitting in.

A sinful love Travis Phelps x readerWhere stories live. Discover now