Strange occurrences

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Warnings: F slur, death/suicide threats

Y/n woke up earlier than usual because of a nightmare, he's always had them, but they've never been as bad as they had been recently. He tried to go back to sleep for a while, but he was unsuccessful, so, he decided to just get up and get ready. Once he was done, he walked out of his room, and in the corner of his eye he saw a black figure glowing red eyes, but when he looked in that direction it was gone.

He went to the kitchen and turned that light on instead of the one in the living room since it wasn't as bright, and it was farther from his parent's room so he wouldn't wake them. He made breakfast for himself and then went back into his room, he wasn't tired, so he decided to write in his journal.

The writing that filled the journal was usually just about his day, some were sketches, some were ideas he had, and others were his feeling on the people he's met. For most of them he had written kind things, and had interesting things about them, while one wasn't that good, and had all the boys' flaws. The boy in that page, was Travis Phelps. Y/n had been in the school for a few months by this point, and his relationship with Travis hadn't changed. They both hated each other and got into a lot of fights that often lead to one of them going to the nurse's office.

Luckily for Y/n, his mother didn't always make him go to church with her, unluckily for him, his mother had started becoming friends with Kenneth Phelps. Y/n didn't particularly enjoy the thought of her being so friendly to Kenneth. Part of it was that he was Travis' father, and the other part was that there was an odd ambiance that came from the man.

After a while, Y/n fell asleep at his desk and his pencil fell out of his hand, falling to the ground as it made a loud sound once it reached the floor, though, it wasn't loud enough to wake anybody. Eventually Y/n's alarm clock went off, waking him once again.

He sat up with a yawn and then stretched, due to the fact that sleeping in a chair is uncomfortable. He got up and then brushed his teeth, and once he was done, he had a lot of time to spare.

Y/n went back to his room and started doodling on his hand to pass the time. Once it was time for him to leave, he got his bag and left to go to the bus stop, which he didn't really want to, but it was either that or walk in the cold. Once he got to the bus stop, he saw a familiar blonde headed boy. Y/n walked a bit closer, but not enough for Travis to notice him, once again, the blonde was writing in his journal. Y/n was always curious as to what he was writing, and he was just close enough to read a bit of it. Y/n couldn't fully understand what it was about, but he did understand that some parts were about church, and Kenneth. Y/n decided to look away from the book, just in case Travis saw him trying to read it.

Eventually the bus came and Y/n got onto the bus, he sat down in a seat and saw Travis frowning when going to his seat. When Travis passed Y/n, he glared at him, making Y/n glare back. Y/n usually didn't have a problem with people, and he's rarely hated someone as much as him and Travis hate each other. He didn't know why Travis hated him so much, but he didn't question it. But he did notice that once Travis saw he was hanging out with Sal's group, the hatred grew. Once the bus stopped, it took a bit for them to be able to go inside the school, so in that time Y/n sat in silence.

Once they got into the school, Y/n saw Larry and started walking up to him. Whilst walking in that direction, someone had bumped into him from behind. That someone was Travis, and knowing him, he'd make it seem like it was your fault. "Watch it, fag." The blonde told him, not as harshly as he usually did though, that was probably because it was bologna day, which was his favorite.

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