Incorrect quotes while you wait for the next chapter <3

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Travis and Y/n sit on their couch, Travis lying his head on Y/n's lap. They sit in silence as they watch their favorite show together while Y/n runs his fingers through Travis' hair. A little bit after a commercial interrupted their show, a thought goes through Travis' mind.

"Hey, Y/n.." He says, just loud enough for the other male to hear. Y/n hums in response, looking down at his love. "Do you finally love me more than your music?"

Y/n hums once again, this time as he pretends to think. "That's going a bit far." Travis reached his hand up and slightly pushes Y/n's head to the side. Y/n looks back at Travis whilst laughing and sees him with a playful glare. "I was kidding! I obviously love you more than my music."

Most of the lines above are from
'Nick and Charlie' by Alice Osman

"Breaking news: A local family is forced out of their home by ghosts! Who're they gonna call?" Y/n asks Sal and the others as he enters the room.

Ashley sighs with a smile in her face. "The ghost hunters?"

Travis rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "No, their insurance company. That's just stupid what you said."

I'm not quite sure what this one is from

Travis and Larry sat in the grass, waiting for the others to arrive. After a few minutes, Larry freaks out and quickly stands up. Travis looks up and tilts his head.

"What happened?"

"There's a bug, and I don't like bugs." Larry looks at Travis and sees that he's looking at a butterfly that had landed in his finger. "Travis, are you even listening to me?!"

"I seem to have misplaced my ant farm." Travis grins, looking at Larry from the corner of his eyes.

Larry begins to walk away at a fast pace. "Sally!"

This is from Phineas and Ferb

Ashley danced around and bounced on her bed. She held up a hairbrush like a microphone with a wide smile on her face.

"I am uninterested in men! Lalalala lalalalala! I think puberty came late to me. Lalalala lalalalala!"

This comes from
Eye Eye Eyes
from: TWICE

Travis is lying on his and Y/n's bed reading a book. Y/n walks into the room, a small smile in his face.

"Oh Travis! We have a visitor." He says as he leans on the doorframe.

Travis frowns and puts his book down. "Don't tell me it's Larry..."

Y/n scratches the back of his neck. "It's Larry." Larry peaks his head out from the side of the doorframe.

That's from a Garfield episode
Idk which one

Sal pinches the bridge of his nose. "Larry, your drunk. You need to go chill by the fire."

Larry laughs in response. "I'm gonna go run around naked in the woooods!"

"Go. Sit. Now." Sal sighs, crossing his arms.

That's from
Night In the Woods

Larry glares at Ashley. "My mom wears earrings, do you think she's cool?"

Ashley snorts before responding. "No. I think she's hot!"

The Simpsons

A sinful love Travis Phelps x readerWhere stories live. Discover now