The Entrance Exam

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_ The Haneda Airport is huge!

Hikari Yuta just arrived in Tokyo and is already stunned by the big city. These many busy people roaming everywhere can make you feel important. Still a little amazed by the airport, Yuta grabs the paper in his bag to check the correct address. "Tomorrow is the big day" he thought.

Leaving the airport, Yuta takes a cab to the hotel where he'll sleep tonight. On the way, he sends lots of pictures and videos of the great Tokyo to his parents in Miyagi. Even though it was late, Yuta barely slept - so eager to take his entrance exam in the Duel Academy.

Morning comes. Yuta woke up, took an energetic breakfast and left to the bus stop. He wears his favorite black t-shirt, with ripped jeans and white sneakers. Then, last but not least, his lucky white cap over his dyed gray hair. He takes more pictures of the great Tokyo and sits down, waiting for his bus. It is 9:16 AM.

Yuta raises his head to look at the blue sky, taking a deep breath - contemplating the possible future in Duel Academy. Under the shadow of his cap, he sees a strange form. Round and colorful. Yuta recognizes the card spirit approaching him - a Rainbow Kuriboh. Yuta looks at the cute little ball and smiles. However, the spirit seems disturbed and tries to call Yuta's attention to the other side of the street.

A boy playing with his football walks to the middle of the street. Distracted, he doesn't see the car approaching fast.

Yuta gets up quickly and runs towards the boy. He screams to the driver and pulls the little kid back. Luckily, the car is able to stop before hitting anyone.

The driver gets out of the car and the mother arrives, both desperate. The driver screams apologies while the mom cries, hugging her son. Yuta's heart is accelerated with all the adrenaline. If that Rainbow Kuriboh hadn't warned him, a tragedy could have happened. However, when Yuta looks around, he can't spot the spirit anymore.

The driver enters the car again and leaves the scene. The mother now scolds the kid while Yuta smiles gracelessly. Then, she turns to the teenager who saved her son and bends over in gratitude.

_ Thank you so much for saving my son! If there is anything I can do for you, tell me!

Yuta smiles but, before he can say anything, he looks up the street and sees a bus leaving. His bus.


_ Hey, boy! There's a kid in here, watch that mouth!

_ Sorry, b-but I-I... That was my bus over there... Oh man... Do you know when the next one arrives?

_ Hmmm... That one... I think in an hour, maybe.

_ An HOUR? I can't believe it, I'll be late! It's almost 9:30 and my exam will be at 10 o'clock! I can't believe it...

Yuta leans down and holds back to don't cry in front of the kid and his mom. Could this really be it? All those thoughts about the future washed away in the blink of an eye?

_ Well, boy, if there's anything we can do to help, let us know. I don't have a car but I can call my husband. If he's not very busy at work, maybe he can come and give you a ride!

_ Really? That would be great but...

Yuta looks at the kid. He has a football and a bike.

_ You said anything, right? Can I borrow that bike? I promise to give it back after my exam.

And so, Yuta is pedaling at all speed on the streets of Tokyo. Always looking at the GPS in his cell phone, he could make it in time with luck. It is 9:31 AM.

All sweaty and tired, Yuta arrives at the Duel Academy. It's 10:24 now - he got the wrong path twice. But luck favored him this time! The receptionist said there's still time to take the exam. Yuta signs the papers and enters the school. It is huge and beautiful.

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