Future Champions

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Duel Monsters National High School Tournament 2019

Official Tournament Rules and Regulations

Welcome to the Duel Monsters National High School Tournament 2019, where the finest young duelists from across Japan will compete to prove their skills. To ensure a fair and thrilling competition, please adhere to the following rules and regulations:

I. Eligibility:
1. All participants must be enrolled in a Japanese high school.
2. Participants must be members of a school-sanctioned Duel Monsters club or organization.

II. Tournament Structure:
The tournament is divided into two stages: the Preliminary Stage and the Main Stage.

Preliminary Stage (January 19th to January 20th):
1. Upon arrival, competitors must register at the scheduled location.
2. Each participant will receive a digital ID card for tracking their progress.
3. Duels are to be conducted under the supervision of an official tournament referee.
4. Competitors can challenge each other freely, but may not duel the same opponent more than once.
5. A participant who accumulates 15 losses, verified by an official referee, will be eliminated from the tournament.
6. The first 128 competitors to achieve 35 victories will advance to the Main Stage.

Main Stage (January 26th to February 2nd):
1. The 128 qualified participants will be divided into two single-elimination brackets through a random draw.
2. Competitors will engage in one-on-one duels, and the winner will proceed to the next round.
3. Duels will be single matches in this stage.
4. The winners from each bracket will face off in the Grand Final.
5. The Grand Final will be a best-of-three match, determining the ultimate champion.

III. Public Event:
The Main Stage of the Duel Monster National High School Tournament 2019 is open to the public. It will be broadcast live on various television and internet channels. Attendees are encouraged to come and witness the incredible dueling skills of these young talents. Buy your tickets <here>!

IV. Code of Conduct:
All participants are expected to conduct themselves with the utmost sportsmanship. Cheating, unsportsmanlike behavior, and any violations of these rules may result in disqualification. Also, don't forget to check our <Official Banlist>.

V. Rewards:
Prizes for the top competitors include a prestigious trophy, a cash prize and the qualification for attending at <Duel Monsters World High School Tournament 2019>, celebrating their skills and dedication.

We wish all participants the best of luck in the Duel Monsters National High School Tournament 2019! May the most skilled duelist emerge victorious.

Note: These rules are subject to change and may be updated at the discretion of tournament officials for a fair and smooth competition.


The Luxoria Grand Hotel, a testament to Tokyo's modern grandeur, echoes with the murmur of anticipation and the shuffling of feet. The Preliminary Stage of the Duel Monsters National High School Tournament is about to unfold in the grand hall, a magnificent space adorned with the fusion of traditional Japanese elegance and contemporary luxury.

The vast hall is a tableau of dueling tables spread across its expanse, where competitors engage in heated battles, their hands moving swiftly as they handle their decks. The tables, crafted from rich mahogany, stand as islands amid a meticulously designed Japanese rock garden, creating a serene yet intense atmosphere.

Official referees, dressed in impeccable suits, observe each duel with hawk-like focus, ensuring the integrity of the competition. The air buzzes with excitement as competitors strategize and clash, their digital ID card records capturing the ebb and flow of victories and defeats.

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