Red Heart

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Yuta and Sho brush their teeth with still very sleepy expressions. It's friday morning, meaning that this is the last day of classes of their first week as high schoolers. Behind them, Judai leaves the shower.

_ Wow, wow, look at you! Y'all shouldn't be lookin' like two zombies, today's your duel activities opening event, right?

_ Yeah...

The boys finish getting ready for another day of classes. Yuta looks at himself while combing his gray hair. The red tie over his chest calls his attention. This is the first day of the duel activities, if he wants to climb up to the next rankings, he needs to do well today.

The boys leave the 204 and arrive the common room. There is a disturbing silence while they have their breakfast. The nervousness of the freshmen is clear - and both Sho and Judai know that Yuta is eager to leave their dorm. While trying to pick the right words to break the ice, a girl hugs Judai from behind.

_ Ju-dai-kun! <3

The freshmen raise their heads with surprised expressions while Judai giggles.

_ Hey, Rei-chan! Good you're here! I was just tryin' to cheer these two up!

_ Huh? You're first years, right? Ha ha! Nervous to today's event?

She drags a chair to sit next to Judai. She wears the school uniform with the Slifer's red tie and an orange headband around her dyed-blue hair.

_ Look, don't worry about it. Really. This first event is more like a ceremony, a celebration. Don't put too much pressure on yourselves, have fun!

_ Yeah! And Rei-chan here can say that with all property, right?

Yuta and Sho look at her with curiosity. Her eyes are bright like gems as she smiles.

_ You know, I love dueling. That's why I enrolled at this school. However... During our classes I found out a new passion, my actual goal... Casting!

_ Casting?

_ Yes! I started online, narrating my colleagues' duels and posting on the internet. Including Judai-kun's! After that, I asked Chancellor Samejima if I could be an official caster of the Academy's events, and here I am now! He he!

_ She'll be the master of ceremonies of YOUR event today, kids!

_ You see? These events are important, of course. But sometimes, putting too much pressure on yourselves will only make you feel down. We are still young, we don't need that.

Yuta looks at her red tie. Her story is nice, yes, but...

_ You're still a Slifer Red, anyway. The school supported you and all, but still, your duel abilities were what mattered in the end, right?

Judai and Sho flinch with Yuta's statement. Even though a tension grows in the air, Rei responds with a bright smile.

_ Oh? That? Well, actually no. I was selected for the Ra Yellow this year, but I refused.

_ Refused? Why?

_ Why not? All my friends are here and... I love the vibe in this dorm. Everyone is so close to each other, don't you think?

Yuta looks at Judai and specially Sho. He is a little embarrassed for asking that now. Judai notices it and tries to change the subject.

_ Anyway, Rei-chan, why don't you tell'em what'll happen today? I'm sure they'll feel more relaxed...

_ Well... I shouldn't tell you that, but since we are fellow Slifer Reds...

She winks.

_ The first years will just be dueling each other with Professor Cronos' supervision, but before that, we'll have a special opening event. The two students with the highest grades during the entrance exam will duel each other. I'll narrate that.

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