Master of Puppets

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In the dimly lit backstage area of the National Tournament, a sense of anticipation hangs thick in the air. A mysterious duelist sits in his dressing room, surrounded by the hushed whispers of tournament staff and the distant hum of the crowd beyond.

With an air of quiet focus, he meticulously prepares for his upcoming duel. His deck sits before him, each card carefully arranged in precise order. He adjusts the straps of his duel disk, ensuring it fits snugly on his arm. A small vial of painkillers rests nearby, a testament to the persistent headache that has plagued him since morning.

As he waits for his cue, there's a gentle knock on the dressing room door, drawing the duelist's attention. Assuming it's one of the tournament organizers come to escort him to the stage, he rises from his seat and strides over to answer.

To his surprise, he's met not by a staff member, but by a small child, her eyes wide with excitement.

_ Phoenix-san! It's you!

The mysterious duelist's lips curve into a warm smile as he recognizes a young fan. He gestures for her to enter, and she eagerly steps inside, her gaze darting around the room in awe.

While the child explores, he returns to his preparations, his movements fluid and practiced. But the girl's presence is a welcome distraction.

_ You're going to win this time, aren't you?

The child's enthusiasm is infectious, and the duelist chuckles softly in response.

_ Well, I hope so... Last year was quite the battle, wasn't it?

The girl nods enthusiastically, her eyes shining with admiration.

_ I was rooting for you so much! At first, I was all about Kaiser, but then... Man, you're awesome!

The duelist's heart swells with gratitude at the child's unwavering support. But their exchange is interrupted by another knock at the door, this time more urgent.

Knowing that the girl could get into trouble if she was caught there by a tournament organizer, the duelist helps her hide in a corner before opening the door.

_ May I help?

One of the tournament organizers stands before him, a sense of urgency in his voice.

_ Phoenix-san, you're next. Head to the main stage. Further instructions await you there.

_ Sure, I'll be right there.

Closing the door behind him, the duelist bids a fond farewell to the little girl, who ensures to capture the moment with a selfie before she scampers off. With a final glance at the vial of painkillers, he takes one last dose, hoping to quell the throbbing ache in his head.

With resolve in his heart and determination in his eyes, Edo Phoenix sets off for the main stage, ready to face whatever challenges await him. Little does he know, the true battle lies not in the arena, but within the shadows that lurk beneath the surface of his consciousness.


The Main Stage of the National Tournament pulses with energy and excitement, the air alive with anticipation. Multicolored lights dance across the arena, casting a dazzling display of colors that illuminates the faces of the eager audience. The crowd buzzes with excitement, their cheers and applause echoing off the walls as they await the next thrilling duel.

In the center of the arena stands a beautiful girl with fiery red hair, her voice vibrant with enthusiasm as she addresses the crowd.

_ Ladies and gentlemen! As electrifying as the last duel was, it's time to continue our competition!

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