An Elephant in the Room

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The mid-afternoon sun filtered through the house's curtains as Asuka and Yuta stepped into her home. She led him into the cozy living room where her mother and brother were sitting together, watching TV.

_ Mom, Fubuki, this is Yuta. My boyfriend.

Asuka introduced with a warm smile. Her mother greeted Yuta politely while Fubuki offered a relaxed nod, a hint of amusement in his eyes. Yuta felt a bit embarrassed under their gaze but smiled nonetheless.

_ Nice to meet you both.

Yuta said, his voice filled with a mix of politeness and shyness. Fubuki turned his attention back to the TV with a quipping smile.

_ Good to meet you, man. Asuka sure knows how to pick'em.

Yuta chuckled, not entirely sure how to respond to the casual comment. Asuka, feeling the need to escape the potentially awkward situation, quickly speaks.

_ Why don't we go up to my room? Mom, we're going to study!

_ No funny business up there, okay? I've got my judgment eyes on you!

With a light blush on her cheeks, Asuka led Yuta up to her room. The space was clean and organized, with Duel Monsters posters and cards neatly displayed. Asuka sat at her desk, turning on her laptop as Yuta took a seat on her soft bed.

_ I thought you were joking when you said we were going to study.

Asuka flashed a mischievous grin, leaning over to grab a stuffed Dark Magician from a nearby shelf and playfully tossing it at Yuta. He caught it with a laugh.

_ I was. But we're not doing what you're thinking either!

_ So, what are we going to do?

The girl turns around in her desk chair in a somewhat dramatic manner. Asuka looks at Yuta with a serious expression.

_ Well, there's a HUGE elephant in this room. And you and I have to talk about it.

Some moments of silence fill in Asuka's room, a short tension before the intriguing conversation that was about to unfold. Yuta looked at her curiously, trying to figure what was that "elephant". Suddenly, he realizes what his girfriend talks about - taking out the pendant that hangs The Winged Dragon of Ra.

_ This?

_ Yuta, what happened to my brother... This card is dangerous. We can't ignore it any longer.

Yuta's gaze dropped to the pendant, his fingers gently tracing its contours. Asuka's concern was valid, and the recent events had made it clear that the Egyptian God cards had more about them than just looking cool.

_ You're right, but... What do we do, then? Call the police?

_ I've been researching...

Asuka, with a determined look, turned to her laptop and began typing. Yuta, intrigued, leaned closer to see what she was doing. She opened a video on YouTube that Yuta had seen numerous times before - Yugi's legendary duel against Kaiba in Battle City.

He chuckled, recalling the epic duel.

_ That's the coolest duel of all time! Man, if I wasn't a baby back then, I definitely would have seen this live!

Asuka's disapproving glance halted his nostalgia trip. Evidently, she was more focused on something else.

_ Okay, I get it. The Egyptian Gods, right?

Asuka switched to another tab on her laptop, opening a statistics page. Her brows furrowed as she scrolled through the information.

_ Yes. This is the only video record I found of them. And Ra doesn't appear in this duel. Yugi uses Slifer, and Kaiba uses Obelisk.

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